View Full Version : Citalopram/Anxiety Log-Book by NuttyMonk

14-09-09, 18:35
Hi all,

thought that since i started taking Citalopram (10mg) today i might keep a log book in case it helps some other people.

My reason for taking Citalopram is a recurring case of Anxiety Disorder/Agoraphobia which was brought on by increasingly frequent panic attacks and freak-outs which were themselves a by-product of the herbal, medicinal and pharmaceutical antics/abuses i used to get up to in my earlier years.

Day 1

So far the Citalopram is only having mild side-effects. Slighty sore head, a bit of a dry mouth, a bit tense and still as anxious as before, even in my own house. The true test will be when i go out to the supermarket later although the 2mg of Diazepam i just popped should help. Hopefully some techniques i've developed for keeping my mind occupied (doubling*, see below) will help if i freak-out like i did last night.

Went for a run at the start of the day since a lot of people agree that exercise is good for mental health problems. The supermarket was fine. Diazepam seemed to help a lot today.


*Doubling is something i use often to distact my mind from a situation i'm not comfortable with. I take a random number, usually something i see in my local environment, (e.g. part of a telephone number on a shop window or bus number) and then double it in my head and keep doubling it. As the numbers get bigger it takes more and more concentration to keep the mathematics accurate and i can completely forget where i am and why i feel anxious. I got the idea from the re-make of "Precinct 13". The female psychiatrist in it uses the technique when she is stressed.

14-09-09, 19:48
Would be interesting to read, i also started the first dose today, albeit a small one and had pretty much the same side effects with a lot of nausea

good luck :winks:


15-09-09, 21:58
Day 2

Another day with a slight headache and dry mouth. Didn't feel the need for a Diazepam. Didn't feel nervous much today except when in a large crowd.

Went for a run again which lasted a bit longer than yesterday. Must be getting fitter :-)


chicken licken
15-09-09, 23:28
Hi Im on day 5 and on 10mg
so far its been a pretty mild range of SE's
I think the running your doing should help loads.

Ive tried to spend as much time as I can cycling, the worst day for SE's was Saturday and that was the only day I didn't get out on my bike, so I definitely think the fresh air and exercise helps take the edge off any SE's.

good luck x

17-09-09, 01:00
Day 3

Dry throat and very tense/anxious today. Took 2mg of Diazepam which only helped for a short while. Could do with taking more but i only have 1 left.

Didn't run today which probably didn't help. Will definitely run tomorrow and hopefully get a new prescription of Diazepam just in case.


18-09-09, 00:43
Day 4

No real physical symptoms today. Either that or i'm getting used to the sore head and dry mouth.

Did feel very tense and anxious when i got up. Went for a run after i'd been up for 4 or 5 hours and felt great afterwards. Have been fine for the rest of the day. I'm begining to realise how much physical exercise can help with mental health.


20-09-09, 01:28
Day 5

Pretty similar day to the previous one except i got nervous when i went out at night, even though i'd been for a run during the day. Several beers sorted that out. The handful of beers and exotic drinks my friend bought me after that didn't help me the next day though.

Lost my phone too.



20-09-09, 01:31
Day 6

Been suffering both physically and mentally due to my over-eager drinking session last night. I had the obvious physical symptoms of a hangover along with the reasonably bad anxiety that you might also expect.

Couldn't go for a run due to the hangover which just made things worse.

Stayed off the diazepam today so that i could do some hair-o-the-dog drinking. Just 2 beers to ease the pain which oddly enough also helped take the edge off the anxiety.

Tomorrow i'll be back to running and a far better mindset i hope.


20-09-09, 12:19
I think it will help others, sharing your experiences of taking Citalopram. :yesyes:
It is always good to hear of other peoples experiences.
I have been on them for several months and I am so glad that I am on them, as they are really helping me. I had a few side effects to begin with and it took a couple of months for them to start working but I am glad I continued taking them as they are such a big help.
I would not recommend drinking alcohol whilst taking them due to the problems it can cause, but that's just my opinion. I find drinking alcohol increases my anxiety the following day.
I hope you soon start to feel better. :)