View Full Version : Mind blank, anyone else had anything like this??

14-09-09, 18:54
Today when I was shopping with my friend I had a mind blank moment.
My friend was buying net curtains and I asked what room in her house they were for. She said the kitchen and then as soon as she said it it was like my mind went blank and I couldn't even think of where she lived or anything. It really freaked me out, only lasted for about 30 seconds but because I was panicking I began looking around and thinking where the hell am I and for half a minute it really felt like I had forgotten everything.

Obviously I was panicking at the time and I was quite stressed anyway cos we had our sons who are both 3 1/2 with us and they were both fighting but I'm really worried about that mind blank moment now.
I'm worried it means I am losing my mind or something??

Any advice greatly appreciated xx

14-09-09, 20:42
I had this once a long time ago, I went to a shopping centre, was in there for about an hour and when I came out I couldn't remember for the life of me where I'd parked my car, I couldn't even remember which car I'd come in - mine or my husband's, couldn't remember driving into the centre, which direction I took and couldn't even guess at where I might have parked. This sent me into a huge panic attack and when I finally got it under control it just popped into my head where I'd parked. Of course, I spent the next month or so worrying that I had Altzeimers (sp?) - at the grand old age of 25!!!

It's never happened since, and 5 years on I haven't lost my mind (yet!!!).

Maybe if you were stressed anyway your mind just 'shut off' for few seconds as a way of coping with that? :hugs:


14-09-09, 23:06
Hello, thank you so much for replying.

It's good to know some one else has experienced this too and it hasn't been anything serious. I am only 20 myself but still keep getting thoughts in my head that it is something serious!

It was very scary when it happened but luckily only lasted half a minute or so. I just hope I don't get it again and hopefully it was because I was stressed anyway as you said :) xx