View Full Version : optic neuritis fears

14-09-09, 19:56
I've posted before about my eyes being weird, and sensitive to light, and seeing a bit of visual snow.
I've gotten a lot bettern about looking on google, but for some reason this morning I goodled, and now I am terrified.
I have been to one optometrist and 2 opthormologists. If I had optic neuritis they would have found it right?
Im really scared.


14-09-09, 20:01
Hi Ziggy. Please try not to worry (easier said then done I know) because if you did have optic neuritis it would have been picked up by now!

It's so annoying isn't it that us HA sufferers still worry even when we have been told by numerous health proffesionals that everything is ok x

14-09-09, 20:04
thanks for the quick response. It is so annoying...
I dont know why i do this to myself.

14-09-09, 20:05
I know exactly what you are feeling. I was rather worried when I went to the optometrist a couple of months ago, being sure they'd find something that suggests a brain tumor or whatever else. But they looked all around in my eyes and said everything was fine. In fact, I have a condition called latus degeneration, and this doctor even gave me a better report on it than another one had! So I actually was even better off for the visit!

If you had something serious in your eyes, these guys would have noticed it. They are trained to do this, and know what they're looking for. If they aren't worried, you shouldn't be either. :)

14-09-09, 20:08
By the way, latus degeneration isn't serious. :) But the point is they were even able to tell that, and I think if they can see something like that, they could definitely see something way more serious like what you're describing!

14-09-09, 22:15
thanks i kamasu...that actually makes me feel a lot better.

Ive just been so sensitive to bright lights lately, and seeing weird after images and what not, and it makes me really nervous. I am an artist so i am always looking at stuff....it is constantly in teh way, i cant distract myself....

15-09-09, 03:34
I know what you mean - I'm an artist as well, so between that and often being in front of the computer, etc., I notice lots of little things. Every little thing tends to freak me out. But really it's probably how we use our eyes today, especially those of us who use them for very specific details as we often do with art, that causes a lot of the weird things we notice. Perhaps sometimes we need to just give our eyes a good rest. :)

15-09-09, 11:12
I have had optic neuritis. believe me there is no 'maybe' about it. You would know and so would your doctors. You would be taken straight to A&E where the hospital would look into your eye and clearly see the problem. Trust me you can't see anything and it hits you like so quick. One day i have a little bit of a headache, the next the pain is so bad I can't move my eye, the next i am COMPLETELY BLIND. funny thing is the blindness doesn't bother you like you think it would because you are so preoccupied by the horrendus pain. Even like these strong pain killers I took didn't get rid of it, just made me sick. Luckily the pain only lasts a week but the blindness lasts a month, with many other people A LOT longer. Trust me if you think you might have it, then you don't.

15-09-09, 14:41
thanks alix. I woke up this mornig still freaking out. But this does ease my fears a it. I just can't figure out why my visions gone all wonky. : /

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 14:44
my vision goes weird daily and i freak out everyday but everyone keeps telling me its just anxiety doing it

15-09-09, 14:50
it started all of a sudden one day, and has kind of gotten a little better since then, but not ever completely. I think it gets worse when my heart starts beating really fast. And then my heart beats even faster becasue it is scary.