View Full Version : Anxiety,depression and substances.

14-09-09, 20:03
Would anyone like to share thier views on anxiety,depression and substances(alcohol and marihuana). Some experts say that in small quantities this is not significant, others scream out that it is the worst thing to do. What do you think?

15-09-09, 01:20
Well, i know that my anxiety is typically a lot higher on days after i've drank a lot, especially with the added dizziness and achiness of being hungover.
I have had a couple panic attacks when high (on marijuana), and i'm sure it contributes to a lot of anxiety when not on the drug, given its tendency to produce effects of derealization and depersonalization, though for a lot of people it tends to have a calming effect.

17-09-09, 11:52
My first ever severe panic attack was after smoking pot when i was 18. I now cannot go near the stuff, but do love a wine and was recently prescribed some diazepams (50 x 5mg) that have been unreal. I am scared of addiction though, so tend to have a couple of nights a week with no alcohol or diazepam and then I will have a few too many on a friday night.

I am starting to run out of my diazepams now and it is annoying as I cannot get into CBT treatment until the 21st October and don't think my doc will prescribe them again for me and they have really been helping. :weep:

I guess there are many people out there who do not even know they have anxiety due to substance abuse, or those that end up having it because of substance kind of like a vicious cycle.

17-09-09, 15:11
hi,duncan,i would not recommend smoking pot are drinking as both of thes have negative effects on stress in the long run,best avoided ok
regards Lindsey