View Full Version : Shouldn't have done that...

14-09-09, 20:33
Eeeeep I've just read the little leaflet that came in my contraceptive pill box. It's full of stuff about me now being at higher risk of blood clots and cancer :mad::mad::mad::mad: I really want to stop taking them (even though it's nothing I didn't already know reading it has made me panic again) I'm only on them to hopefully sort out my cycle which is being messed up by implanon. Getting that implant was a huge mistake. :mad::mad::mad: being a woman is really rubbish sometimes :weep::weep::weep: I'm just being stupid, right?

14-09-09, 23:53
*hugs* I hate seeing people so upset about things :( But I understand where you are coming from. Everything seems to contradict!Pros and cons for everything. How long is it you have to take them? If you are really worked up about this why don't you speak to your gp and see if there is an alternative that will work out something for you too??

Take care petal and yes..being a woman sucks donkey b***s sometimes! xxxxx

15-09-09, 00:47
aww hugs well I remember reading the same thing and when you have health anxiety or anxiety in general its not the kind of thing you want to see, Like Wee-Mee said talk to your doc bout your concerns. You might not have to take it for too long, once your cycle regulates again x take care

15-09-09, 03:28
I've done the same thing!! Here is the US we have these commercials for certain medications, like Viagra, Yaz (a birth control pill) and several different depression medications - and I always laugh when they run the disclaimers at the end, a nice voice comes on and says, "You may experience an upset stomach, dizziness, black outs, nausea, etc....." and goes on to list a million this that can go wrong, and I think 'why on earth would I take that medication?'....

What they don't tell you is that if a medicatio is taken and a certain reaction happens a certain percentage of the time they have to disclaim it. It could be that they have found that 3% of people who take a medication ended up with some type of cancer...they would have to disclaim it. My point is to be aware of the diclaimers but don't let them scare you - they are there to help you make a decision about takin the medication. The medication wouldn't be on the market if it was found to be harmful.

And your not being stupid - you are being concerned! Some of those disclaimers are down right scary (especially to us anxiety people). It is probabily best to read things like that with your Dr present - that way he or she can answer questions you may have and ease your mind a bit! Feel free to call your Dr and ask questions - that is what they are there for!