View Full Version : chat room

14-09-09, 20:34
Ive just been in the chat room because I was having a panic attack. I was welcomed when I entered the room but when I asked a question infact questions no one responded to me, Im not moaning and I know it's easy to get carried away when youre in the middle of a conversation but its hard to get noticed sometimes. Next time youre in the chat room please try to respond te people who need help.

14-09-09, 20:40
Hi kath,

I'm sorry your experience of the chat room wasnt a good one today.

I'm not sure if I was there at the time but I do try to respond if someone has a problem and needs help.
There were a few very self absorbed people in there earlier but its not usually like that honestly.

Hope you come back and give it another try.

Take care, Sue x

14-09-09, 20:41
Im sorry Kath but I disagree with your post, both emira and I was there, and we both tried to help you, I aked if you had been anx causing your neck to be tense, and em asked if you had taken anything for it, we suggested hot bath to help you relax and after that you didnt respond, im sorry you feel you wasnt helped but we did try to help you


14-09-09, 21:08

I am very sorry you feel that way.
I am also sorry for Emma and Emira who have obviously taken the time to give you some advice only to see a post saying you were ignored.

Kind ragards

14-09-09, 23:56

Chat moves fast so maybe you missed some replies in there.

I know that Emms and Emira - as chat mods - will always look out for people.

Don't let it put you off going back ok. Sometimes I say things and they are ignored but it is not intentional, it is just that chat moves fast so people look away and miss it.

I am sure you weren't intentionally ignored.

Take care

15-09-09, 11:42
give it another go kath i for one have been in there moaning about how bad i feel past few days and lots have helped me , sometimes theres a conversation going on before we arrive in there where people are trying to help others at the time maybe go to help and dont give up on it there is some great lovely people in there who will help you and others emma(memyself )always for one asks me how i am and even pms me sometimes when im low emira ive not spoke to ages but she is lovely aswell we all get wrapped up in our probs when we are in there please dont loose hope


15-09-09, 13:09
Hi Kath

I am really sorry to hear that you felt that people were not responding. I know Emms and myself did our best to help and advise you.
It was very busy in the chat room that night, conversation was moving very quickly, and that can take a fair bit of getting used to.
There is an option where you can go into the Help room part of Chat. That flags up to the Mods and other chat room users that you are feeling particularly anxious and would like to talk without being involved with the conversations of the other users.

Please do come in chat again, this website, and chat have helped and still help me now


16-09-09, 01:36
sorry for being a pain but like I said in the post I was welcomed when i entered the room and i should have mentioned that I was asked if i was ok, and was given advice on my aches and pains, however i later asked two questions on citalopram which no one responded to, At that moment I was panicking i waited for a reply and no one did so I left. I have spent lots of time in the chat room over the last few months and it has been a great help to me on many occassions and i will still go in, however im not going to lie it can be quite clicky in chat at times and when people are calling each other by their real names and not nmp name and discussing things or events that people have done outside nmp it does exclude people from the conversation and make you feel like an onlooker. In day to day life we dont butt into complete strangers conversations and I should imagine that very few people do it in chat also. When Micheal Jackson died I was in chat and was abruptly told I couldnt discuss it!! I know why because i was in chat at the time but In the real world as an adult I wouldnt have excepted that remark and would have challanged anyone who forbidded me or anyone to discuss it at all.I love this site and it has been a god send to me but i am an adult and the chat room is clicky at times and people do dominate some of the conversations and do end conversations that they dont want to discuss. Sorry for upsetting everyone but not everyone who suffers from anxiety suffers from low self esteem. As i said i will still go into the chat room i enjoy it but like alot of us on here its not perfect.

16-09-09, 10:37
Its the nature of any chat room Kath, people do get to know each other when they use chat regularly. It doesnt necessarily mean that there is any clique. If you see someone using a name you dont recognise, then ask, I do. :)

The room does move pretty quickly at times and I find it difficult to keep up and read everyone and I get ignored all the time - i do waffle tough lol

I think its easy to take things pesonally when you're in a state of panic and the room is busy. I'm positive it wasnt intentional.

As for being told not to discuss a subject. When we enter the room, we don't know whats been discussed before, the issues others have or if they have recently had problems with that topic and find it upsetting. Its the nature of a site like this and something that just has to be accepted.

Glad you find the site generally helpful

Take care

Sue :)

16-09-09, 11:41
The chatroom is a funny ole thing, it's like a political party, it won't please all of the people all of the time ;)

You can't blame people for getting to know each other, I personally don't mind if people choose to call each other by their 1st names. Hell, I even ask who they are talking to if I don't know who Claire is, or Colin, or whoever lol.

Sometimes chat can go really quick, but in general I can honestly say, I have never seen anyone knowingly ignored. I have asked questions before, not had a reply but just asked again as I accept when some are having conversations, they may get wrapped up in them.

And low self esteem is not a given with anxiety, there is many people I know in chat that don't suffer from low self esteem ;)

If people didn't "butt in" on conversations (I prefer the word joining in ;)) then there would only be one convo at a time, but the open room is for multiple conversations about anything and everything (within the rules) and there is mechanisms in place for users wishing to have a more direct conversation (pm, or the help room).

Infact, I would say that everytime a user asks about a particular medication or symptom, generally they are met with a multitude of responses and experiences (if the room has sufficent members at the time).

I would not like to think there is a clique in the room (well not now anyway), but I do accept some people know others so well, it's like old friends chatting, but as long as everyone is friendly to everyone else, I am sure it will all be fine ;)



16-09-09, 11:53
Hi All,
Ive always found the chat room warm, friendly and very helpful. Some people know each other very well and do talk about outside events but that doesnt mean they have excluded me and I have never felt ignored.
I wish I could get back into chat, I miss it so much! My silly computer has become very selective lately and lets me do somethings but not others and Im very sad! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Take care,