View Full Version : Two symptoms that no one else seems to have or understands

14-09-09, 21:13
1) My anxiety started in 2003 when I was on a train and as I went through a tunnel i had what I can only describe as a split second snooze. I woke with a sudden jerk and all the muscles in my arms and legs were rigid I then felt very panicy i was sat on the window seat of a four table seat of the train after this a feeling of a split second drop occurred constantly i went back to work and when i was working on the computer it would happen it carried on causing my disent into agoraphobia this carried on regularly for 4 years its only in the last year this has started to subside but it happens if I am sat at work facing my computer and have my legs under the desk. I have to sit sideways as a sort of getaway position, this is not obviously health and safety when sitting at a computer. Has anyone had anything similar? I hope so because even my therapist disn't really understand what i was talking about. Also i cant have anyone sitting next to me at a desk if they do i start to feel panicy and have to either keep drinking water or jump up and talk to them stood up also I couldnt sit in meetings i would feel panicy in the room and constantly feel like i was falling my boss likes us to sit around in a semi circle and when we do this i feel again like i am gonna fall off my chair.

2) I have developed the following about a year ago when i am on a bus i have to sit at the backseat if I sit in any other seat i feel panicy and when the bus stops i immediately start to panic i feel dizzy and like i am falling it is only when the bus moves that i relax i have to find something to fiddle with like emptying my pockets or i just start panicing A few weeks ago i had to sit at the front and we got into a jam i kept swapping legs and holding onto the rail and getting up i know the other passengers could see me as i got up to find a paper then kept jumping up to look at the queue then asking the driver if i could get off. I didnt used to have this although things have improved as i couldn't sit upstairs on the bus now i can. Anyone else have similar?

15-09-09, 05:11
So very normal! The waking, jump, panic thing is just how my PA's began! Extremely scary and unsettling! What you are doing is associating positions with panic attacks just as others associate places with them. It is all a subconsious thing. What you need to do is to not fear the fear. To do this you have to allow the feelings to come and say "oh yes, hello panic, thought you might come today......let me have it then and make it quick because im a little busy right now and need you to step out of the way!! You may find sensations hang around for some time but just label them as exactly that, SENSATIONS! And in no way are you in any danger at all, they have no power over you!
Let us know how you go.

20-09-09, 17:47
have you been checked for an inner ear infection? I had similar symptoms when I had labyrinthitis... not only did it mess with my coordination, but it also felt like my brain kept hitting sleep mode for about a second at a time... like that point just as you drop of where you can feel your brain shutting down and going on standby x