View Full Version : Eczema or anyother unknown syptoms!

24-10-05, 10:17
For a few months now I have had a dry patch of skin on the back of my hand and it only seemed to flare up and itch when I was feeling low or like now when I have the cold. I asked the doctor about it on Wednesday past and she said that it's Eczema! I couldn't believe it, I was under the impression that you had that from birth or not at all but apparently not the case. Eczema is something that can be induced by stress! Thats all I need! I have been given cream for it, Hydrocortisone, to apply twice a day and that seems to be helping a bit. Now I have noticed a flare up of what looks like the same thing on my wrist!

I just want to know has anyone else had this? Oh and are there any more symptoms that I don't know about? cause this sure wasn't one I knew of.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

24-10-05, 10:23

Yes Eczema does come from stress as well as something you are born with. My dad used to get it really bad when he was stressed at work.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

24-10-05, 10:46
My friend had dermatitis on hert hand's for year's it got real bad I dont know how she used her hand's. I got the same thing not long after her and my hand were so bad that i couldn't use them fo anything.

Even these day I have to be care full what I put on hand's because it flares my hands up again real easy and then the stress can take over and make it worse.

24-10-05, 11:23
I don't get the normal everyday like eczema but I have had little patches due to stress before. The first one I had a few years ago, I had this little red patch on my tummy that wouldn't go and eventually asked the doc who said eczema. It cleared up quickly with the cream and didn't come back. Since then I've had another tiny patch on my arm this year but you can hardly see it even if you look and it went away on it's own with no cream.