View Full Version : Re: Hello. Nice to know i'm not alone.

14-09-09, 22:36
Hello, I am also new to this site. Infact this will be my first post. I have often come across this site when I have googled my latest symptom I am suffering from, but have never quite found the courage to join until now. I have been suffering terribly the last two months from general anxiety and panic attacks. All of my life, as far back as I can remember I have always been a worrier, and my first real problem with anxiety began when I was in my second year at high school; I just stopped going to school. I really can't remember what triggered it off but the thought of going absolutely terrified me, I suppose this must be what you feel like when you get a job. I saw a psychologist and slowly but surely I returned to school. My doctor has told me that these disorders do not run in families but my mum has suffered in the past from agrophobia and panic disorder and both my brother and sister have problems with anxiety to a certain degree but not as bad as I have it. I can't ever remember a time I have been free from panic but usually I get intervals where I seem to be fine and happy and relaxed and then it flares up again. The last two months is the longest period of time that I have had it constantly and as bad. It is very reassuring to know that other people suffer from these issues as usually I feel like a bit of a freak and wish that I could just be "normal" My doctor has told me that I will never be cured of the condition and that I will just have to find ways to cope and manage it instead.
Thanks for taking the time to read

Veronica H
15-09-09, 09:02
:welcome: to NMP Amanda. Glad that you have found us.


15-09-09, 15:10
Welcome Amanda

You will find lots of information on this site and lots of lovely people willing to help and support you too. You're definitely not alone.

daisymaisy :welcome: