View Full Version : Beta blockers and heart rhythm

14-09-09, 23:17
Does anyone feel have the same trouble as me. I was diagnozed 16 months ago as suffering with atrial fibrillation and was given a course of betablockers to keep me in rhythm.
My world fell apart and axiety took over with me living in fear that something serious was around the corner. I have had all teh tests and been told that my heart is healthy and fine but still my mind wone believe it and i live in fear.
Does anyone have any advice to help meovercome this stressfultime which has overtaken my life?

14-09-09, 23:52
Hi Merlin
Sorry I dont know anything about your condition, but I do take betablockers everyday to cure my palpatations and help with my anxiety and they work! I was very scared of taking them to start with but now I take them everyday 40mg tablets. Im sure if there was any real concern they would be doing more, so the only thing I can suggest is you take your tablets and see how you feel.
take care

15-09-09, 10:43
i have had 4 open heart surgurys and my heart going mad missing beats,jumping around,but the docs told me a heart doc that your heart wont stop which we fear,it just wont happen they laught at me 4 saying that.so u will ok hope this helps xx