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View Full Version : Numbness in Face, please help

15-09-09, 01:10
This has only happened bout three times but i feel myself going into a panic attack bout it. Has anyone experienced any numb feelings in their face. I am so worried its signs of a stroke and I know about those adveerts but I been googling and it says mild ones etc :( please help

15-09-09, 01:17
hi janni
i have had the numbness in the head and in the side of the face and it put me in a panic also . went to the the doc and its all down to anxiety. he explained to me it was just the muscles in the head and face that were just tightening up. i thought of strokes too and he reassured me that it was just anxiety. hope this helps
love debera
:hugs: :hugs:

15-09-09, 01:20
ty debera im trying to calm down but tis not easy

15-09-09, 01:23
i know its hard hun but try to stay calm because the more i paniced about it the worse it got. as soon as i started to relax and not give it much thought it did go away. and yours will too. just another anxiety symptom
love debera:hugs: :hugs:

15-09-09, 01:26
full blown pa, got a cold flannel on it like i did once before xx

15-09-09, 09:03
Hi Janni,

I have also suffered from numbess in my face and head, i went to my doctor and he said it was caused by anxiety, it is a very scary symptom though and understand why you would feel concerned but it is also a pretty common anxiety symptom.

Hope this helps :) xx

15-09-09, 11:21
I get the numbness in the face, neck and right shoulder quite often. It is a scary symtom. Over time I guess I have gotten used to it. The thing is it seems to come from no where, even if I am relaxing watching TV.

15-09-09, 13:09
absolutely! Numbness is one of the really horrible scary symptoms of anxiety. as well as in my head face etc have had it down the fronts of both shins! Vile. Try to tell yourself it will pass and take some slow deep breaths. I try massaging(to stimilate feeling) lavendar oil (to calm) on my temples and forehead when its really bad.:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-10-09, 18:13
Me too.. Still. as in my past posts. It effects my right side of my forehead/temple the most, and makes my right eye feel like it belongs to someone else. Like my eye relaxes too? Is that possible? It gets dry, sensitive, especially since I look at two big LCD monitors for 10 hours a day. I notice tons of floaters still in that eye mostly, clouds my vision. I have to shake my eye, and they will get out of the way and it clears right up.

I try and try to relax. Nothing seems to help that numbness go away. Some days, there is none, and it seems the more I look for it, the worse it gets. Then I can't stop focusing in it! My vision it self it fine 99% of the time. Once in a while, it is hard to focus up close, but not very often. Cheek goes numb too on occasion.

My face numbness is not really numb. More like leathery or something. Feels funny, not totally numb, just sort of. Hard to explain? I still clench my teeth at night, and still have a very stiff neck and tight shoulders. (spondylosis in my neck) But that wouldn't make your face/temple/eye numb like would it?

12-10-09, 22:46
Right there with you on this symptom. Numbness in my face is a big symptom for me and yes it is scary. The other contributors had great advise...try to relax (lol- not easy for most of us!), take deep breaths, but I also find that some cold water really helps to bring me out of this mode quickly. Best wishes.

13-10-09, 00:07
I am trying heat actually, on my neck. Bad enough that my face/temple gets numb, but it makes my eye feel funny. That is what wears me down the most. My forehead skin almost burns, if that makes any sense..