View Full Version : Anxiety

24-10-05, 10:59
I am new to this site, but literally do not know what to do and am rather petrified, so thought maybe i would feel some resolve by airing my probs.
I have been suffering from severe anxiety - "out of body experience" and horrible stomach aches that leave me doubled over in pain when i wake up, thats it i get to sleep. It has been for 7 weeks now. The last time i felt like this was when i was going out with a boy, it was a very unhealthy can't be with, can't be without relationship that i never understood, all i wanted was to feel comfortable with him, but i never did. I finished it, and the anxiety left me.
it came about 7 weeks ago when i met someone else whom i thought i really really liked, i finished it although i really didn't want to thinking that my anxiety would go - it hasn't. I had persistent negative thoughts about being gay, transexual, abuse when younger, something that has happened to me that i can't access to prevent me from falling in love - none of these things fit right nad i have no evidence to support them, nothing is real to me and i don't get anything. Its just horrible. I persist in making a compelte fool of myself with him, when he told me he was seeing someone else i got pains that shot down my arms and around my eyes. He told me she meant nothing but i could not be with him and felt overwhelming guilt. I find myself angry alot of the time, on Friday night i sent him horrible text messages coz he wasn't giving me the attention i wanted, knowing that if he did, i didn't actually want it. I must stop drinking too! I have been to a councillor, hypnotherapist and CBT practicioner, none have been helpful. I am skipping from one thing to the next, feel out of control and this is really ruining my life. I am on citalopram - not happy at all about this. I listen to a self esteem tape at night time. I want to do everything to get out of this. I have been bullemic, obsessive exerciser - all with one result - to get a boyfriend, i know its irrational, I KNOW - why won't the thoughts stop!
I just want to be happy on my own, without the searching.
Sorry this is long! Im troubled. I can't forget about it because i constantly feel out of my own body! This is not who i am, i don't want to be someone who acts and feels this way, but i am so confused i can never find resolve. There are never any preceeding thoughts, which is why its so hard to understand, it just hits me. Bang.

24-10-05, 12:52
Hi Lucy,

when you have had chance to read through some of the old posts you will soon see you are definately not alone in this or with your symptoms.

You are doing some things to help yourself so that's a good start. The preferred treatment is CBT, did this not help you at all? It seems your main issue is the thoughts and CBT is the best thing for addressing these thoughts.

Not everything works for everyone though, it is about finding what will work for you. There is lots of advice about different treatments on the home pages so take a good look around.

Please know you are not alone and I am sure you will get the help and support you need here.

Tammy x

24-10-05, 22:12

Glad you recognize that the anxiety is in direct reponse to situations

Definately drinking is not helping you seeing things in a balanced format.

Seems like you may need to address and understand things modularly. Your beliefs on relationships, your expectations, your needs for example, before you start on trying to achieve it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?