View Full Version : How long do colds last :(

15-09-09, 09:45
Hello :)

Im not sure of i am being silly but my anxiety is in overdrive at the moment and has me worrying about every little thing!!

last month exactly i got my self so run down i developed a cold, i panicked that it was swine flu so took lots and lots of remedies and made my self really ill i was being sick as i took to many but the day after my cold seemed to dissapear, since then though i have cold like symptoms, runny nose, sneezing and itchy mouth but only when i first wake up in the morning and before i go to sleep at night.

I dont know if it is a cold or allergies im not sure, i havnt taken any remedies since but now starting to think what if i have cancer or something and this is why its taking ages to shift!

Just need to be brought back down to earth thanks for reading :) xx

15-09-09, 09:48
Colds can last an annoyingly long time especially if you are run down, you could be over one then pick up another one.

If you had the flu you'd sure as hell know about it :)

15-09-09, 10:09
hi know what you mean about the colds!!! i panic like mad if i get one i cant deal with not being in control of my boady and hate being ill' when i first heard about swine flu i really went into overdrive and thought i was going to get it and die! i spoke to my doctor and she was great and told me more of the ins and outs of it and that i should worry no more about it then normal flu! the thing that helps me most is veg curry and garlic is sounds silly but really does work if i start to feel unwell iv changed my whole way of eateing and it helps as i know iam eating healthy so in my mind it will get my boady healthy! had to as had chest infection for a month then had to have blood tests boy did i go into overdrive then but they came back monday clear. hope this helps alittle :) x

15-09-09, 10:25
Hiya Meg,

I know so many people, including myself, that have what they think are colds, continually having to blow their noses, itchy throats, aching - especially in the morning. Then, as the day goes on, it just goes away.

For me, I keep saying "there's something in the air" lol - as far as I know I haven't got allergies/hayfever etc but I just can't seem to get rid of this "cold" - grrr. I'm wondering if it's the extremes of weather/temperatures that we've been getting?

I think if you can eat healthily and drink lots of water, that'll definitely help. Home made chicken broth/soup is good for clearing colds:winks:

Hope you feel better soon.


15-09-09, 10:40
Thank you for the replies they are really helpful :)

I dont feel ill just really sniffly in the morning and night times and keep sneezing!! and thinking is it cold isnt it a cold :shrug:

I am going to start taking my vitamins again get my bum back to the gym tonight havnt been for a few weeks, probably getting myself run down with worry isnt helping either, anxiety has been so terrible of late!

I think you might be right Wendy the weather is bizarre!! and i spend alot of time outside each day getting to work and back its a treck!

Thanks for taking the time to post :hugs: xx

15-09-09, 10:48
Hi Meg

I think that most important bit of your post is that you are feeling anxious just now. That in itself is the reason that you are even wondering about how long a cold lasts......not becuase there actually is aproblem. Your mind is just looking for one cos your anxiety /stress mode. Do some nice stuff and try to disctract yourself away from your health/body completely for as long as you can. Might even be worth forgetting vitamins and just eating really well and getting good sleeps and excersise ......and have as much fun as possibe!!!


15-09-09, 11:13
I think your right Lisa, i have worried about 4 different things in the past few weeks none related to each other i have been trying to accept that i am anxious because im anxious i wake up in the morning with this feeling of doom looming over me, i was trying so hard not to put anything with it but looks like i just did it again!!

I am going to Paris in a few days for my birthday so should really start getting excited about that!! i do normaly eat really well and go to the gym daily but when my anxiety is so bad i dont want to do anything but curl up on the sofa with a big fat cake!!

Need to get myself in order :) xx

15-09-09, 11:46
Eat the fat cake!!!!

Im the same....i know the anxiety exists independently of any life issues that I have, yet still i continue to let it fool me and I beleive the wayword dark thoughts it congures up onthe bad days!!!

Its not easy !!!

Hope you have a lovely time away!!


16-09-09, 03:22
i can totally relate to this, i got back from europe almost 2 weeks ago with a bad bad cold that i probably picked up on the plane .. and i'm STILL coughing like crazy and still bunged up. i think the worst is over but it sucks still feeling like this. i think i just have to take care of myself and it'll take some time to clear up ..

16-09-09, 10:11
Thanks for the replies but i think this one has been sussed i think i have a bit of Hayfever :O i have googled ( i know i shouldnt have) and my symptoms seem more like Hayfever than a cold, even did a few online tests and they have come back as more likely to be Hayfever, i am a donut and wish the stupid worry will stop! :weep:

It always has to be something!! x

16-09-09, 11:49
Hi meg,
I got that cold too and it took a good three weeks to go away, i too panicked and went to my doctor as i could not stop coughing convinced i had swine flu and it had affected my lungs and so on ( how dramatic am I ) !! now on week four and finally symptom free, i suffer from hayfever too and the doc said when i have a cold it is important to still take the antihistimine i had stopped taking it as i panicked it would re-act with the lemsip ( I know:-) ...) hope you soon feel better.....


16-09-09, 12:43
Glad im not alone thanks Kathee :) xx

16-09-09, 14:06
Hi Meg. I think you'll find it's hayfever hun. I work in pharmacy and sell antihistamines to people with your exact symptoms every day! I'll bet if you take one yourself you'll find the symptoms temporarily disappear. Just keep in mind though that not all antihistmines work the same for everyone so unless you have used one successfully in the past, you may need to try another type if the first one doesn't work. Preferably choose a non-drowsy one and check with the pharmacist that there are no interactions with any other drugs you may be taking.
Hope this helps x