View Full Version : Cant Take Anymore

15-09-09, 11:15
hi,ive suffered from panic & anxiety for a few years now but theyve gone through the roof this year where i cant control them now,this is my forth night where i havent has any sleep at all & im so exuasted but the fear is that bad in me i cant even sleep for a while in the day,i feel its controling me at the moment & i feel so angry & weak at myself for letting this happen,i just dont know wot to do or turn to anymore,i just feel im on a permant downwards spiral & nothing seems to be working,ive had to quite my job this year because of the attacks & no meds have worked on me yet either,just feel like giving up,cant see a point anymore ,just wanted to know if anyone else feels this way because i feel totaly on my own.

15-09-09, 11:53
Hiya... have you been to your GP and asked to see a phycologist? I have seen one and what she told me to do and what she gave me to read has really helped me alot. I didn't believe in all that "talking to some stranger" but it has really helped me and I would go back again and again. Try not to let it win. I know how you feel.... it feels like someone has taken over your brain and you have lost control. Medication made me feel 100 times worse, so I tend to stay away from it now. Good luck. x

15-09-09, 12:13

You are certainly not alone! J

Those feelings of guilt & blaming yourself for what’s happened are similar to what I’am thinking right now. I’ve been signed off work by the GP, and feel a huge amount of self guilt and blame. “I’m a failure for being off ill” “I’m letting so many people down” e.c.t e.c.t. :weep:

He said to me the following which I found very reassuring:

“If you had broken your leg, no one would question you having time off work to get better. Just because your condition is not immediately visible to others does not mean you are a failure, please don’t feel guilt”

The tunnel may seem to have no light at the end, but there IS LIGHT….. Its just so so damn frustrating and painful to find it sometimes.:doh:

Take Care


15-09-09, 12:22
Hi Kaz, sorry you feel so low, but you can get through this. Have you tried homepathic remedies, they really really helped me. Stopped the shakes, stopped the nausea and helped reduce the all consuming fear. I used to feel like i was going completely mad, that no.one understood how i was feeling. Used to be too scared to even close my eyes incase something happened or i wouldn,t wake up. BUT somehow i,ve got through it and realised that life is worth fighting for. And fight it we have to. Please research the homeopathic remedies, i cannot praise them enough. Hope your feeling a bit better and you must realise when you read this forum that you are not alone. Take Care x x

15-09-09, 12:29
thanx for the msg,wot remedies are there then as ive only had meds of the doc that dont do a thing x

15-09-09, 12:45
Don't give up hope. Trust me when I say I have been much worse than you but now I am getting better. My dr tried lots of combinations of medications for over 6 months and they did not work. He referred me eventually to a psychiatrist who took me off all my meds and started me on an SNRI-(venlafaxine) and diazepam. They work! I take zopicone and olanzapine for sleep at night. They work too. I had not slept for months. Don't think that you can't go back to the dr and ask for something else to try. I have been off work sick since december last year. Its soul destroying to add guilt etc to what you are already going through, so please don't do it. I was bed bound for over 3 months and felt I could not take any more, but here I am trying to tell you that there will be some meds that will help you and if necessary ask for a referral to a specialist. There is no shame in depression or anxiety. It can happen to anyone. Lots of hugs xxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

15-09-09, 16:10
I take Aconite for the anxiety, i take Arsen Alb for my upset stomach. I have a combination for my emotional anxiety. Do you have a good homeopath near you. Mine has helped me so much. I have had stuff to help with my headaches as well. Hormonal ones cos i get worse at different times of the month. I have to say that my anxiety at the oment is really good. I haven,t taken any meds for over a week now. Hope this might encourage you and others to try them.

anxious elephant999
15-09-09, 16:21
Hi kaz i know exactly where your at i feel the same eveyday and feel that my meds arnt working ither i am more or less housebound and sometimes bedbound due to fear and panic and depression and feel i wont ever get better but people keep telling me i will but just dont believe them , mines due to constant dizziness that i suffer from and major adrenaline surges that make me feel like im about to collaspe

15-09-09, 18:03
hi,thanx for the msg,you have exactly the same as me,its gud to know that im not on my own,i get the dizzy symptoms everyday 2 & get the adrenaline bursts through me which feels like summits burning me its that hot,ive ad no sleep the last few nights with mine,just hope i get a gud 1 tonight,msg me anytime as i know wot ur going through.

15-09-09, 18:57
Hi Kaz

I do no how u are feeling.

I got signed off of work last may due to really bad panic attacks

My anxiety was sky high and i felt so bad all time.

Even now i find it very hard to sleep, often falling asleep 4 or 5.

I have had cbt and i did find it quite good and i am definately better than i was.

I get horrible head rushes and feelings of not being here. i get this intense heat up to my head.

It will get for u, im sure

please message me any time, i no how u feel.

love mandie x