View Full Version : brown patches

15-09-09, 11:43

Im really worried about little patches of brown or discolouration in my mouth. I have two little patched on my lower gums at the front and i have now noticed little ones on the inside of my lower lip.

They arent really dark just like discolouration. Also really worried becuase where my gum is between my two front teeth at the point bit at end looks purple?!!??

Im really worried can anyone help. Please dont tell me to go to the dentist becuase im toooooooooo scared that they will tell me I have hiv. I hate the dentist.


15-09-09, 11:51
Can I just add that i asked a dentist before I got mental HA and they told me it was pigment and I was okay with it then but since the HA started i am now freaking out becuae once I read that it is a sign of adrenal dysfunction and in my complicated weirdness that means HIV. Whats more I decided that the dentist knew i have hiv and didnt want to tell me , especially after she pulled out one of wisdom teeth then virtually threw me out straight away!! Was worried thatit was becuase of the blood and she thought I had hiv becuase of teh brown patches on my gums


15-09-09, 12:03
Hey Lisa :)

I have read on your other posts that you have had several HIV tests and they have all come back negative, you dont have it sweetie its just anxiety playing tricks on you, you gave me some excellent advice about this on my other thread, so i think you need to take your own advice and accept that its anxiety making you feel there is something very wrong when it isnt.

I know how hard it is though, definately easier said than done.

i also have darker brown areas on my skin that are pigment but i have had them since being a small child, it has probably been there all your life but you are noticing it now because anxiety makes you notice every little thing!!

I also feel that people know i have a life threatening illness but arent telling me :( its horrible i hate anxiety but you dont have HIV im sure of it xx

15-09-09, 12:35
Lisa honey....5 - tests, 5 - tests....visualize those results. I know you have your mind going and you are at work so you have not much to keep you busy, but I want to remind you of how s****y google makes you feel. I want to remind you that it will spit out whatever you tell it to and if you make it find a connection, it will. Dang, my hubby needs to take lessons from google....do as I say....LOL.
Honey you do not have HIV! The patches in your mouth are more than likely not new. They have always been a normal makeup of a helathy mouth, which is why the dentist did not mention it. He rushed you out after pulling your teeth because he was done with you....what else was he to do...have you stay for tea? He needed to get you home and in bed....and move on to the next patient so he could make that $$.
Want to hear something funny about HA minds work.....I too worry about HIV after a - test. Recently, I have also begun to worry I also have Lupus.....you can't have them both! They are the complete opposite in terms if diseases! I worry that the HIV makes my immune system too low while Lupus makes it overactive....so I guess I am somplace right in the middle where I should be. Funny huh how warped that thought it. I'd be a scientific miracle. See how our minds can MAKE things fit?

Hugs...email me at work if you need to chat.

15-09-09, 13:30
Meg thanks so much for replying, you are totally right, it has to be anxiety just making me care about this now when i didnt before. And the thing is my dad has these on his lip too, i made him show me his inside lip.....he does know I am crazy.....so maybe its a genetic thing?!! I know he hasnt got hiv especially as he is a keen blood donar who even shows off about how many 'awards' he has been given for dontaing so many pints :) Just realised i have spelt doner wrong....yes my dad donates kebabs ha ha ha ha

Stressed32 you are infact the funniest lady i have ever had the joy to know:D My dentist rudely did not invite me to stay for tea!!! Thanks hun will email you at work!!xxxxx


17-09-09, 01:13
Lisa my dear friend...I am so glad to have made you laugh :) Please email tomorrow to say hi and let me know how your doing. I'll tell you the story of the creepy stalker dad I have this year...LOL.