View Full Version : What scares us most about Aids and Hiv?

Arisa Wills
15-09-09, 11:48
This might be an interesting question to all who have HIV and AIDS fears like me.

For me personally it is:

1) The shame before family and friends
2) The hopelessness in treatment (can never be cured)
3) Expensive and lots of medicine to take
4) Gradually decreasing health and then death

15-09-09, 11:52

I wouldnt have even really thought about it until i decided I have lots of symptoms.

Hvae you had tests as well?


17-09-09, 01:17
For me it is the terrible stigma attached to it. There is NO other diease that I could get where people would think I was a whore or druggy if I had it. I mean if I got Cancer my family, friends and community would pray for me and be supportive. On the other hand if I got HIV, my husand would think the worse, I would lose my heath insurance and probably my job and be shunned by everyone because they would be scared to get it too.
I will die of something...but I don't want to die a lonely drugy whore who really is not a druggie whore at all.

17-09-09, 18:25

I worried incessantly (sic) about HIV for around 2 years. It was my private terror that I never told anyone about. even saying the word used to frighten me. I can totally relate to this post.

I got an HIV test when I was pregnant ( it kind of forced me into it) and it came back negative. That basically kicked that fear right out of my life, and I was able to start living again.

The irony of all of it is, I now met & have a best friend that has suffered with HIV for more than 15 years, and they are in very good health and have a busy, happy life. Which is not my interpreation of the illness at all.

Cell block H fan
17-09-09, 18:30
I dont worry about these things at all. I expect that will come later! Ive had everything else & got over it *sigh lol

21-09-09, 16:07
Funnily enough whilst I seem to spend all my time worried about cancer, blood clots and just about everything else HIV is not something that I ever think about. As a drug user (reformed) I had to have regular tests for many years so maybe this has made me a little more comfortable (probably not the right word but still) about the illness.

Also I don't think HIV has the same effect on me as say cancer as the prognosis with HIV can be very good these days with many people leading normal and long lives whilst living with it.

As for the shame, hopefully no-one here catches it, but I don't think there should be shame for people who do. It is not just 'druggies' and prostitutes who are unfortunate enough to catch this illness.

21-09-09, 23:44
I agree and hope I did not give the impression that I thought it was a disease for druggies or anyone else....I simply feel as though society assumes that people who do have it are either having lots of sex or doing lots of drugs...or both and that is not always the case. However, if it is the case, these people are still humans who deserve the same support as if they did have cancer. I think that because the common belief is that HIV is something we can "control" if we use protection or stay clean by using clean needles then it is thought to be our faults if we get it.....then we must deserve it. It is not a disease that will kill you physically, but the emotional stigma that comes with having it is sad.
I have a real fear of it and the sad thing is that I am not scared of having the actual virus but more of losing my life from the stigma that comes with it. I have never heard anyone say...oh he got cancer because he must have been.....or he should have used protection. Instead we support people who have cancer and look down on those with HIV. I have read horror stories of people losing their jobs, spouses, friends, and even living quarters from having HIV. Very sad....it is a disease just lke any other no matter HOW or WHY anyone has it.