View Full Version : Side affects of coming off Citalopram

15-09-09, 12:03
Hi i have been on citroppram for a good few months on a dosage of 40mg. At first i never forgot taking them as i was so paronid, but as time went on I began feeling better, just taking them when remembering. I have now stopped taking them completley.

Side Affects since stopping
tingling sensations all over especially in my face
feeling low ( due to the side affects im experiencing)
jelly legs
eating rubbish ( this making me gain weight)

Is anyone else experiencing anything similar as im begining to feel a bit paronoid thinking its me and nothing to do with coming off the tablets.

Any suggestions for motivating my self being able to feel normal again.

Thanks Janie

sarah jayne
15-09-09, 12:56
I stopped taking citalopram last monday. Ive had tingling down the left side of my body, headache, tiredness but ive been unable to sleep and ive also been eating lots ! xxx

15-09-09, 13:03
Thanks Sara Jayne I was beggining to think it was me. Im determined not to go back on them and im finding this website reasuring and helpful as i thought i was going mad lol.
The side affects seem worse than the reason i went on them.

22-10-09, 17:49

I've been reading through this forum looking for people like myself who have come off citalopram. I came off it nearly four weeks ago. I went from 40mg to 20mg in August, then decided to go 'cold turkey' as they call it, I have stash of 10mg just in case, but i really don't want to have to go on them. The side-effects of coming off have been very strange, big wooshes down the left side of my body and spells if extreme dizziness... thus causing nausea... I have kept going though. Leg restlessness have been quite big especially when getting tired.

Good things.. 1. my sex-drive has come back and gone through the roof! 2. the feeling of freedom so far is fantastic!

I would say the last week I have been more emotional and today feeling slightly anxious. At this moment I am still believing it is the symptoms of coming off and really hoping it will all go soon.

I am hoping in my response that this will help others who have come off recently like me.

I am concerned that these feelings could get worse, but i really want to face my anxiety demons head on... a year of CBT will come in useful now. Out come the books again!

Well hope this helps others coming off.. i feel relief sharing this.


08-06-10, 20:48
hI Fig,

I just wonderred how you're getting on since coming off the meds?
I've being off nearly two weeks and my life seems like a mess, I'm crying uncontrollably, or I'm so fustrated. My chest keeps getting really tight and I hopethat's a side effect too as I'm struggling whether to go back on them again but really don't want too. I've got headache and keep getting a weird sensation like a blur in my head but I kinda like that one weirdly.
Have your sympoms subsided now?

hope they have.

Thanks for the last note you put on, it helps a lot.

24-06-10, 00:03
Hi Janie I stopped taking Citalaprim when I went away as I forgot to take them with me (am on 40mg a day) after a three to four days I started to feel really odd light headed as if I was drunk, I also experienced wierd tingling sensations in my face and arms a little bit like electric shocks, as soon as I started to take them again these symptoms disappeared, I keep thinking they are really not helping me at all but they must be doing something to give these odd sensations when I didnt take them

24-06-10, 00:04

24-06-10, 14:44

I don't think you should just suddenly stop taking citalopram like you did especially if you on 40 mg no wonder you getting such a bad withdrawl symptoms, last time i was coming of them took me 2 months to slowly reduce my initial dose of 20mg and when i completely stopped i felt really anxious for about 2 weeks but it was not as bad as what you describe.

I mean everyone is different but don't think lot of people on here would advise you just to go cold turkey with these tablets.

But either way best of luck.

24-06-10, 16:44
Hi Janie,

I'm feeling loads better on Cit (slowly increasing my dose right now).

My doc has warned me not to be too hasty in coming off and definately not suddenly. She reckons I could be on them for 6 months+ with a very slow and managed withdrawal when the time comes.

Given that I feel so much better already I'm wondering whether I was even that ill. But that's just my mind playing tricks. Even though I've had plenty of time and rest since my first meltdown at the docs there's still a long road to travel as yet.

When the time comes, I'm going to step down v e r y s l o w l y :)

Wishing you all the best!


24-06-10, 17:25

I totally agree with Keta....its not a good idea to suddenly stop taking citalopram as it can cause nasty withdrawal effects.

The best way it to taper very slowly....that way you can actually avoid the withdrawal effects altogether.

Hope it goes well for you.

27-06-10, 21:15
Hi Janie, I've been on cit since mid dec last year for anxiety and depression, started on 20 mg for about 5 months then down to 10 mg for a month and currently on a tablet every other day. All of what i've done was with close monitoring from my excellent gp, because the reduction has been gradual i haven't really noticed any ill effects, so the moral of this tale is....take it slow, see how you go!

19-11-10, 18:16
Hi everyone!

I just typed into google 'side effects of coming off citalopram'....and thank God I found this website! I am not alone with my side effects! I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with me and was thinking I'm going to have to see my doctor...again.....! Or my dentist, or my osteopath.........you get the health anxiety theme here....

Basically I stopped taking Citalopram 20 six days ago after being on them for a relatively short period of time - 2 months. The doctor and I agreed that we would see how I get on without I did ask if I needed to be 'weaned off' but he said 'nah..you won't get any side effects..' So I leave the surgery a bit apprehensive that I would be going it alone, and waited to start to feel like 'me' again.

Well, well, well......the only way I can describe how I feel is by saying I feel like I have drank a bottle of wine by lunch time!! I have a whooshing sensation in my head, similar to a blood rushing feeling...and my neck feels totally loose. That might sound very strange, but that's what I'm like after a few bevvys......and I feel like I want to sleep all the time......like after a few bevvys......and I am a tad tearful....like after a few bevvys. I've had the odd tingle in my hands and arms too.

However I now realise that I am actually just going through the cold turkey and that these feelings will pass. I am not at all belittling the effects of coming off the tablets as the sensations are scarey, but I feel relieved that after reading the threads on this site that the sensations will pass.

One question though, anyone know how long these feelings are likely to last for???

Finally, I've started seeing a CBT therapist and would highly recommend this to anyone seeking to stop the negative thoughts.

We are all striving for the same goal...to feel content and at peace with ourselves and the world around us. Good luck to all, we'll get there xxxx

19-11-10, 19:30
in the 5 weeks since coming off i have had light headedness, feeling space out, some severe tension headaches, tingling/burning sensations and stomach cramps and like you lol - i plan never to go back on them! (hopefully!) x

19-11-10, 19:31
ps - i tapered off for a year and still got really bad discontinuation effects - wish i had done it over a few months lol as feel i have only drawn out the suffering!