View Full Version : Anyone got any positive feedback on DP/DR?

24-10-05, 17:19
I'm still struggling with this DP/DR . You feel like your not "here" like looking at world from another planet not participating in living somehow. Also when i think of places away from immediate surroundings i get like a shock/ fright as though these places are just in the mind or a dream. Really scary stuff. Any good news on this topic or how to cope with it? Much appreciated . Suzuki

24-10-05, 17:22
You basically took the words out of my mouth Suzuki.

I can't really offer advice, as I am to struggling with DP/DR and it's been really bad the last two days :(

People have told me to 'not think about it', but it seems incredibly hard as it's there all the time.

I'd also much appreciate some advice.

24-10-05, 17:38
I feel like that a bit too, I know what it is etc but when people say it'll go with your anxiety i don't really know what to do!

Coz it's kinda constant!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

24-10-05, 17:57
*Also when I think of places away from immediate surroundings i get like a shock/ fright as though these places are just in the mind or a dream.*

Im with you 100% here. I tend to think like this as soon as I wake up mostly.

24-10-05, 21:52
I had this 24/7 for weeks.

I had to go back to work and realized that despite feeling really awful, I could actually function still so I somehow accepted thats how I was today and went about my business. I did take precautions of labelling my car, my bag, me and preprogramming messages into mobile etc in case I forgot who I was ...

As I realized I could still not only function but hadn't sprung several more eyes or at least was still treated as I had been for years, I gained confidence and as I relaxed - Yoga was great- plus a lifestyle overhaul it passed, glimpse by glimpse.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-10-05, 11:23
Thanks Meg,

You are right about the appearing normal thing as well.

That sometimes make it harder as well though as people think you are doing ok but you cant explain only coz it doesn't feel real!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

25-10-05, 12:46
Thanks for your message. I do believe like you say as the Anxiety level drops the more "real" you become. Suz x

25-10-05, 15:41
I had it all today at a lunch and walk, but you wouldn't know, so i guess you have to hang onto this a bit and i could still interact and make conversation, it just doesn't seem real somehow,

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!

25-10-05, 15:48
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I had this 24/7 for weeks.

I had to go back to work and realized that despite feeling really awful, I could actually function still so I somehow accepted thats how I was today and went about my business. I did take precautions of labelling my car, my bag, me and preprogramming messages into mobile etc in case I forgot who I was ...

As I realized I could still not only function but hadn't sprung several more eyes or at least was still treated as I had been for years, I gained confidence and as I relaxed - Yoga was great- plus a lifestyle overhaul it passed, glimpse by glimpse.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 24 October 2005 : 21:52:39</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I take it everyone on here suffers from it 24/7 as well? Like you have it all the time, not just when your panicking?

How long did it take to fade away Meg?

Mines been pretty bad all day, like usual again :(

26-10-05, 08:14
I have learnt not to talk specific time spans as then people start comparing with each other and get disappointed.

It was several months worth and I worked really hard at it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

april tones
27-10-05, 00:10
hi, i have had this years ago! 4 yrs.
think i had it agai today! sacared hell out me! i was walking down road with my son in ushchair when i heard a funny noise then realised it was my ears making funny noises! i then felt a rush and noise like my body was shutting down, everything seemed quiet,stil and hazy. felt so scared but looked at my son and thought pull your self together! xxxx


27-10-05, 00:48
First off all... Im glad I found this site.. It calms me down a little bit that Im not the only one. :)
I had brain surgery in April and started having bad anxiety and the feeling has never went away. I understand what each one of you is going through and its a horrible feeling!!

Driving really puts it in full gear.. i start questioning everything.. why are we here?? whats it like when you die??... Thinking im going crazy.... Some days are great and other days, I cant even look in the mirror at myself without feeling funny.. Sometimes I feel like my arm isnt even mine.

I see a counselor and she has taught me great breathing techniques and grounding effects to pull myself through rough times. This may sound stupid but when im driving alone and it happens she taught me to talk out loud.(that tree is green... that sign is blue... the grass is green... it sounds crazy but it works and brings you back to reality.

anyone else been taught anything else?? I really want to get through this and start to live normal again. I refuse to take meds cause i dont want to get hooked.

Thanks!! Best Luck to everyone!

27-10-05, 07:27
Hi April,

I get this too, just about every day. Some days better than others. The way I have found to cope with it is distraction and reassuring my self that I'm here and real. It is really hard believe I know but distraction is the best way to deal with DP/DR. Someone once told me on here that your brain can't concentrate on two things at once so if you are distracted ie doing dishes, washing, seeing to the kids, going for a walk ect your mind forgets about it, sometimes only for a while but it's better to loose it for a bit than not at all.

I hope this has helped.

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"