View Full Version : Noise Intolerance

S Yogesh Gupta
15-09-09, 12:07
My wife is suffering from very severe Noise Intolerance. It all began on the 10th of January 2009 On this day around 3 PM she had what was identified as a siezure by the Doctors later on. The physician who saw her (during her first siezure) asked for an EEG and Brain scan to be done. The EEG revealed Siezure Activity while the Brain Scan was normal.

He refered us to Dr AV Srinivasan, a Renowned Neuro Physician in Chennai. Dr AVS Confirmed that this was a minor siezure and all would be well and prescribed KEPRA 250mg twice a day. This was on 12th Jan 09. The first dose was given to her on 12th Jan around 11 PM and the following morning my wife had lost her memory. She had no idea about what was happening around her, could not remember me or the children or her parents and also the way around the house.

The Dr did not have any answers and so asked for a repeat of the Brain scan (Which was normal) and then a MRI to be done. The MRI also was normal. He then said there is nothing to worry about and that she would settle down as probably she had had an overdose of Kepra. This did not happen even 72 hours after her first dose of Kepra and hence we refered her to Dr P Natrajan, Neuro Surgeon and Dr R Shridharan, Neuro Physician at Apollo Hospitals in Chennai.

As all the Lab tests and Scan was normal, Dr Sridharan suggested that we do a Lumbar Puncture (Till this time my wife had totally lost her memory). 2 hours Following the lumbar puncture, my wife went into a coma and the doctors did a repeat CT Brain which revealed a Bleeding. The SDH was evacuated and a part of here skull was kept in her stomach (and we were told) to be put back once everything was ok.

The Swelling took almost 4 months to subside- during this time she was taking the following medication:

Tegretol 200 mg (1-1-1)
Valparin 500 mg (1-1-1)

and some antacids and Pain killers on SOS basis

However she was/is extremely intolerant to any kind of noise and used to have siezures lasting from a few minutes upto 15-30 minutes if there was any Noise. (This was during the period Post 1st Surgery and before the 2nd Surgery which was done to put back the part of the skull which was earlier kept in her stomach-Crainoplasty)

However the Surgeon felt that all was well and he did the Crainoplasty on 7th May 2009. Following this the recovery has generally been good- However her noise intolerance, though much better than before, is very very severe. She is unable to tolerate sound's such as:

Mobiles and Land Line Phones ringing
Door Bell Ringing
Infants crying
Ambulance Sirens
Aeroplane Noise
Construction Noise
Fire Crackers etc etc

The doctors have no suggestion as to what needs to be done- however each time some sound disturbs her she has, what the doctor calls a small siezure which lasts for about 5 - 10 mins

As no relief has been forthcoming for the last 7-8 months I would like to know if anyone in this forum is aware of such a problem and possible remedies. I would be very grateful for your suggestions

Best regards

S Yogesh Gupta

15-09-09, 17:10
I have a son who was diagnosed with Epilepsy at the age of 2. Having done loads of research into seizure activity and the neurological processes of the brain I can tell you that sound intolerance is a common issue that people with brain injuries face.
A better place to go to get questions answered regarding your wife's situation would be....





The Epilepsy Foundation was really helpful when I started my research so you could try their website too.
Prayers for healing to your wife and strength and peace of mind for both of you.

15-09-09, 17:19
Forgot to add that Tegretol has a tendency to be 'soaked up' by the liver so make sure your wife is getting liver function blood work done at regular intervals. My son was on it in the US and they sent out a letter regarding it several years ago that stated it is wise even after stopping use to get tested for 2 years.