View Full Version : absolutely terrified

15-09-09, 12:08
i have been crying my eyes out for ages phoned my boyfriend who doesnt seem to care and i am going out of my mind with worry. Since yesterday my leg has felt very tight i assume its twitching ( nothing new there ) but today its even worse its only when i walk which is new all my other twitches happen when im sat down. I was washing up & i have shorts on. My leg when very very tight i looked down and the sunlight made it very easy to see that my leg is madly twitching & rippling i put all my weight on my leg & it still did it. I am that scaqred i was almost sick, why is it only doing it when i am using the muscle. THis is a really really bad sign as i know that when a muscle twitches when its being used its indicative of a neurological problem, i am in such a state, I really really need some help its been like this for 2 days now with no sign on stopping, now im almost sure its MS or ALS. i know its going to get worse :( i have been sat down when typing this and it hasnt done it once :(

15-09-09, 12:22

You know that you read that amounst a great number of other symtoms, with neurological conditions muscles twitching can occur when the muscle is being used as opposed to not being used. This does not mean that muscles cannot twitch when being used for other reason such as too much adrenaline pumping through them due to intense fear and anxiety about having a serious health condition that has not been diagnosed!!

This is like for example in parkinsons disease there can be positive and negative symptoms depending on how the nervous systme is effected, cant rememebr which is which but one tremble and twich happens when the nerves are being used and the other when they are at rest. This is just a drop in the ocean of how muscles are effected with neurological conditions........you have anxiety sweetie and your just fittingin the blanks and mise=iterpretting things I promise!!


15-09-09, 12:35
thanks Lisa i really appriciate you helping me all the time. I have hit a low point today & i cant stop crying. I just feel like something is wrong majorly. This came on yesterday and i had a lovely weekend and wasnt Anxious at all & i cant stop thinking about it. My muscle is so tight as it has been having a work out for 2 days through the twitching. I have always been rational ( to an extent) with my twitches as i always used to say ' it never happenes when im walking' but it does now & i feel i dont have anything to cling on to, to stop my anxiety getting bad again. I had this feeling a few weeks ago & i didnt know what it was, obviously my leg was twitching then to. Rebecca said on my other post that with MS the docs use a special light to see the twitching as its normally very very subtle well so is this all im gettng is a tight feeling if i hadnt studied my leg from a cm away i wouldnt have know it was twitching. God :( its going to be a bad day :(

15-09-09, 12:53
Hey Tash.
Do you take a magnesium supplement? Muscle twitchig is the dominant symptom for a lack of magnesium. Do you also know that anxiety causes you to use your magnesium stores in the body which in turn causes these problems?? Perhaps you could look into this??
All the best
Kelley :)

15-09-09, 13:31
hi Tash, please calm down, with als they use a light to see the twitching now you can totally rule that out because you are still functioning, when i was going through my major als fear i visited so many als sites and the most common presenting symptom was actually with their throats, nothing to do with muscle twitching. The twitching comes when the muscle has actually died or dying, now i am no doctor but your muscles are still very much alive as you are still functioning normally (physically) as lisa said adrenaline masses of it will cause this. You do not have als or ms. I sent you a mail of an actual ms sufferer and she described her symptoms none of which included twitching. And i was also told by a doctor whos mother has ms that twitching is not a symptom but major major muscle cramping.

Pm me if you like as we are so simular in our worries . xx

15-09-09, 14:58
awwww it is actualy doing it when im lying down. Can it still twitch for days and be nothing bad? my muscle is now aching due to the twitching

15-09-09, 15:08
Hopefully I can put your mind at ease a bit - first there are a lot more symptoms of MS and ALS that you don't have.....now as for the muscle twitching. My husband has this in both of his legs (mostly in his right) - he can be sitting and doing nothing, or running - same thing! He has had all the tests and there is nothing wrong with him - he just has annoying and twitching muscles....its kind of wierd as you can actually see his leg twitch! So, yes, you can have twitching muscles and have nothing wrong!

15-09-09, 17:28
Its been a really bad day whats weird i can guarentee the moment i put any pressure on that leg it will twitch & feels really tight. I am besides myself and cannot wait for my boyfriend to come home as i have done nothing but cry today. I hate feeling this scared x

15-09-09, 19:10
I have some similar symptoms to you, but would like to ask a few things...

a) Do you exercise regularly using your legs (like brisk walking, running etc..)
b) Do these symptoms ONLY come on when you're resting (sitting down, lying down in bed)
c) Do these symptoms mainly, or always come on at night?
d) Do you feel the tightness or any sensation build up and then your leg jolts?
e) Are you sleeping properly? Have you lacked sleep or have insomnia?

15-09-09, 20:24
Hi there

a) Unfortunately im not great with exercise rarely do that much obviously walking to town i push a buggy.

b)They used to be the twitching in my leg is doing it mainly when putting pressure on it

c) its all day

d) i dont get leg jolts but my leg goes tight & then it twitches

e) never sleep properly so tired all the time as i have an 8 month old x

16-09-09, 10:15
day 3 of non stop twitching my leg now hurts a lot:weep:

16-09-09, 10:40

Have you tried picking another body part and thinking about it constantly all day deliberately to see if either it starts to twitch instead or the other one stops?

Might be an interesting experiment


16-09-09, 13:50
Please Tash, go to the pharmacy or health food store and ask for a really good magnesium supplement. Make sure theres a few different types in it such as chelate, citrate and orotate etc. I swear you'll be fixed! I live in Australia and a recommended dose is 300mg per day, just check if it's the same in the UK?
Let me know when you feel better.

16-09-09, 14:20
Hi hun, i started yesterday taking some. It says one a day on the pack. I have noticed its always when i go from sitting to standing and then walk my leg twitches for ages. I know i probably sound insane but i have been slowly getting better and now i feel like i have taken 12 steps back & am so scared again :(

16-09-09, 14:39
you need to stop thinking about it, which i know is extremely difficult, i used to get this really annoying spasm twitch thing in my left leg to the side of my knee and i found that if i kept thinking about it, rubbing it and even hitting it lol! It still wouldn't go away but once i was distracted it would go away after about an hour or 2.

Just hang in there and keep taking your magnesium tablets everyday, i imagine they'll take a few days maybe to kick in not so sure though as i'm not medically trained but give it a few days, if still no luck go and have a chat with your doctor.

I also find nhs direct a great help, the nurses are ruddy brilliant, better than some doctors i reckon, they always put my mind at ease about anything.

17-09-09, 10:31
Thanks all, day 4 and no let up so i imagine it has to actually be because of something now. Not noticing it as much when im lying down but the moment i walk its awful to be honest theres no way i cant notice it as it makes my who leg go really tight so i always know when its happening. I am trying to not think about it but its not working.

17-09-09, 12:23
just googled and a lot of MS websites came up im terrified that im going to wake up & not be able to move or my leg is goig to give way :(