View Full Version : Introducing....

15-09-09, 13:33
Hello fellow sufferers! I have been a fan of this site since I started experiencing panic attacks in February - it has been my saviour!

Since my first attack on the tube it has been hell on earth for me. My mum suffered with them when she was my age and I never understood what was going on and thought she was mental! Little did I know....

Recently I have been so much better due to Hypnotherapy, which has helped me to a certain extent but still cant stop the thought processes of 'I am going to die this minute' and constantly! I am in the process of trying to get CBT through the NHS but we all know its like trying to draw blood out of a stone!

Some of the symptoms I am experiencing are lump in the throat, random sensations throughout my body which of course is cancer of some sort (varies daily!), dizzyness along with some sleepness nights in fear that I wont wake up!

The sypmtoms dont bother me as much as the thoughts I have, mainly 'There has never been anything wrong with me/I have a great partner and family so my luck is due to run out anytime'...this is where I need help.

If anyone has figured out how to stop these thoughts please respond!

Look forward to chatting with you!


15-09-09, 16:03
try replacing it with im such a nice person thats why i have got such a wonderful family / partner and i deserve to be happy. Say it to yourself in the morning as many times as you can and all through the day, wright it down and every time that nagging voice starts telling you the negative replace it with the positive thought. It takes practice but it helps

15-09-09, 16:18

Have you tried "Mind" for CBT rather than the NHS
I am halfway through and its really helping

Try the link

15-09-09, 16:23
Thanks guys - will give both a go!

Be sure to keep you updated!