View Full Version : mri normal ct normal so what r these headaches?

anx mum
15-09-09, 15:45
Really dont understand been suffering with constant headaches for about a month now :weep: pain left side of head back of head neck stiffness. Had tests and all have come bk normal really dont understand whats going on my head is so sore. My doc says im suffering from tension headaches but surely they wouldnt go on this long please help.

15-09-09, 15:53

I keep replying and asking if you have improved your posture at all?

They will go in time but the more you worry the worse you will get as you are making yourself stressed and tense.

15-09-09, 15:55
try to accept that the tests are fine and that they would have found a problem. Thats what i did and after a while the head aches went. Also if you are taking parecetomal ( i was ) they can cause head aches

anx mum
15-09-09, 16:28
taking co codinal and ibeofen every 4 hrs getting me down cos gone on so long now thanx for ur reply.

15-09-09, 16:55

Hope your okay

Just wanted to say that if you have tension headaches caused by anxiety and the whole viscous fear cycle then the headache isnt going to just stop becuae you know its a tension headache...!! Its going to stay more than likely until you stop worrying what it is!!!


15-09-09, 19:03
I have headaches every day and have got to the point where I'm used to them being there so I dont worry about them (CT scan came back normal). If you have a bad posture when sitting or lying down it will affect the headache and stiff neck, also if you're tired or having bouts of insomnia, this will also cause it

just take aspirin or ibuprofen (with food or your tummy will ache) and it will eventually go away - but do not mix aspirin and ibuprofen, take one or the other and read the label first

15-09-09, 20:37
anx mom try using migrastick thats what im using?

anx mum
15-09-09, 21:14
whats migrastick hun?

15-09-09, 21:31
try to accept that the tests are fine and that they would have found a problem. Thats what i did and after a while the head aches went. Also if you are taking parecetomal ( i was ) they can cause head aches

Actually any painkiller can cause headaches if taken long term but paracetomol is easily the one drug that can be taken for quite along time before causing rebound headaches,the worst one to take is Codeine as it`s quite addictive and is bad for rebound headaches.

15-09-09, 21:48
migrastick is just like a lavender rub- my mum bought it from a health shop the lavender helps relieve tension

u rub it into your temple and forhead

all the best

15-09-09, 21:54
try having a headache for 3 YEARS lol! i did - they would not even give me a ct scan - said it was all down to tension and i was under the headache clinic at the hospital. they advised drinking at least 8 glasses water/herbal tea a day - getting up at same time every day and going to bed at same time. leaving it no longer than 4 hrs in day between eating something and not more than 12 hours at night. using a heat wrap around you neck several times a day - making sure your bed was soft etc. sounds too simple to work but i find its the fluid and eating that make the most difference.

my headache only really went when i stopped obsessing about it. once i accepted it was there and lived my life regardless of how much pain i was in - it faded but i still go through patches where i can get it every day again.

glad for you but must say you were quite lucky to get the scans - if i had had a scan and it was clear i would have been jumping for joy lol!

anx mum
15-09-09, 22:01
thanx for that hun

anx mum
15-09-09, 22:05
god thats bad what did headache feel like? Was it constant? Mine feels like my hair is being pulled out my head its horrible. Cant believe u never got a scan thats awful

15-09-09, 22:07
i am sure you will feel better soon - mine started to go gradually - i would have them for part of the day but then not for other part - they would come and go throughout the day and then i started to have them one day but not the next. you really do not need to worry - no matter how painful they are - it is only muscle tension. i remember hardly getting off the sofa for 3 weeks once - hard to believe it is nothing serious but they will pass.

anx mum
15-09-09, 22:12
thanks hun keep thinking my tests r clear what the hells going on think im more worried as my mum passed away 3 years ago had brain bleed. Where was pain? Mines on left side and back of head

sarah jayne
16-09-09, 13:49
My headache has improved today, ive still got it but its not as bad. I had a long soak in the bath last night and an early night and ive been trying to relax as much as possible. When i start worrying about it i do something to take my mind off it. Its working so far...Hope your feeling a bit better today.
Sarah x