View Full Version : :'( PLEASE PLEASE HELP. Please

15-09-09, 21:18
Freaking out about my um's results tomorrow. I am going to go crazy if it is breast cancer.

And was at docs today with my dad cos he has found a pea sized lump in his right testicle :(

the left one was painful and swollen last year and the doc had said it was nothing tow orry about and they would see to it but my dad never went back!

now a little lump has came in his right one and was at docs today with him and they said they will refer for himanother ultrasound and they may operate but they were unsure cos of my dad's lungs.. he has asthma and emphysema and I am sowrried beyond expanation about both of them.

I dunno what to do. someone help help help me please! I CANT LOSE MY PARENTS!

15-09-09, 21:30
first of all, :bighug1: i don't know what to say because I'm having a similar worry, kind of, all I can say is good luck tommorow with the results, I'll be thinking of you and your mum, and try not to worry about your Dad, there are probably lots of harmless explanations. Hope everything goes OK, take care xx

15-09-09, 21:40
I'm sorry you are going through a smililar worry daisycaeke. Cos it is HELL :( And hope everything works out well for you too. Thankyou for replying :) xxx

15-09-09, 21:44
Hi I Know This Is Hard And I Dont Really Know What To Say But I Just Wanted You To Know I Am Thing Of You

15-09-09, 21:49
Thanks sam.
I am in chat and its akin my mind off slightly but i just dont really know what to do if it is cancer. :'(

15-09-09, 21:51
all i can say is good luck to you and your parents, try not to worry, things could all be fine, with regards to your dad it might not be serious, my dad had the same and it was just a harmless cyst.

15-09-09, 22:06
If it is cancer then you will deal with it and cancer can be treated now.

I have a friend who had breast cancer and she is fine now.

Please try not to look on the bleak side before you get the results as it will just make you ill.

Look at the positives

15-09-09, 22:09
Ohhh, you poor thing. I had a lump in my breast and even my doctor thought it was serious but it turned out to be nothing to worry about and in regards to your Dad, they say that if the lump is painful ten thats a good thing. I bet its just a cyst. Ill pray for you today.:hugs:

annie pannie
15-09-09, 22:58
Hi there

Just to echo what the others have said and wishing you and your Mum the best for tomorrow. You will find the strength from each other to get through this. Thinking of you and also your Dad. it sounds as if they are just being cautious with him which is a good thing Sending a hug. Annie x

15-09-09, 23:19
I googled about breast cancer again. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :weep:

15-09-09, 23:20
Why? What are you achieving?

Stop it now and go to bed ok.

You cannot predict anything and this is just making you ill.

15-09-09, 23:32
I dunno nic. My irrational worrying part of the brain is takin over :'(

it was saying all sorta about it didnt matter the size of it etc..wont go into it here incase I worry others etc but i'm fed up. i think I need to get put back on some meds to calm me down again. I havent been on anything in a long time :'(

annie pannie
15-09-09, 23:36
Hi there

i soooo know what that is like - I spent days looking for information about thyroid cancer as I had tests late last year - read all sorts of stuff including technical reports from medical journals and thought I understood it and knew the answers - it really really doesn't help - our bodies are so complex and the information on google is so vaired that it will make you ill trying to work out the what if's - I have been such a pessimist about the medical profession in the past - due entirely to my anxiety - but honestly they do know what they are doing and will take very good care of your Mum - try and give yourself a rest from it - I had to stop at some point because it was making me very poorly just trying to second guess - if you feel tempted to google - go and do something nice for you or your Mum. Best wishes Annie x x

15-09-09, 23:37
It is not meds you need it is CBT or something similar or some treatment for HA.

Your anxiety will rub off to mum as well and she needs to be strong and not worry.

Like I said I have a friend who had breast cancer and now a neighbour too and it can be treated.

16-09-09, 03:14
please, calm down honey. enjoy your parents and be happy for a bit. there are lots your dad could have, look at the post "A lump... yoou ladies know where, pain and fever...." she has a ump and guess what? Only a small stone with infection! your dad should be fine honey, and enjoy them now more than ever.

16-09-09, 10:56
Hi Wee-Mee

if you want to read about breast cancer, at least make sure that you are reading genuine sites like Macmillan or Cancer Research UK and NEVER EVER go on sites like "WebMD" and "Wrongdiagnosis.com" and NEVER just google the illness, because the amount of cr*p on those sites is unbelievable!!!

If you read the proper government sites etc you will see that the size of the lump DOES matter, and that breast cancer is now treatable, and that there are loads of options available!

However, fingers crossed it will be a benign lump :)

Amu xxx