View Full Version : seasons??

24-10-05, 18:23
hi just wondering if anyone else feels like this? my anxiety seems to increase when its coming into winter.....like i feel on edge because its getting darker earlier and theres nothing i can do about it......am i making sense? and then once i have got used to winter and it being darker earlier i then get edgy about the summer coming in and it not being dark very long out of the 24hours. im just wondering if anyoneelse gets more anxious about the winter?


24-10-05, 19:09
Hi Denise,

I dont find that I get anxious when the winter is closing in but I do find that I am generally more depressed. There is a condition called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Maybe you suffer from this.

Take a look at the link: http://www.sada.org.uk/


24-10-05, 19:35
I get this as well. Winter is so depressing anyway so the anxiety just nakes it worse. It can really make you feel down!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

25-10-05, 22:04
I think when you suffer with panic/anxiety you like to feel you can escape if you want to. With dark evenings and horrible weather, it makes me feel as if I'm closed in and can't run away; it almost feels like claustrophobia for me.....hope all that makes sense! So you're not alone with your feelings about the seasons....

Jem xxx

26-10-05, 00:19
I suffer from SAD and find my depression and anxiety is def worse in the winter months, i can actually feel my mood drop

All the best


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

26-10-05, 10:05
Yeah I am pretty much the same , I get more anxious in winter, also more lack of motivation and lethargic.


*He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all.*

26-10-05, 16:24
hi and thanx for the replys.....jem u have described exactly how i feel about the darker evenings and horrid weather, i feel its suffocating me.


27-10-05, 12:10
I'm odd i'm the opposite I don't do heat. I prefer to be cold and then get all cosy!

I do like Spring though as everythings awakening and it's not to hot or to cold really!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

30-10-05, 12:12
hi denise iam the same although i do love the wintry weather , when it comes to nite time i feel my anxiety getting worst. xluv mazzx