View Full Version : What if i SHUT DOWN.

24-10-05, 20:28
My fear for the last 3 year's since coming off Zoloft is that if I try ti di any more that I'm already doing the i will think so much that I will have more SHUT DOWNS. The shut down happen I get the screaming(thinking to much to fast) i start feel the need to self harm and them the only way not do it curl up and rock and ignore everything NO matter what. I worry that i will shut down so bad that i will no longer exist any more or in a dangous situation.

I already feel like I've been pulling away from life since i started thinking about gong to a Phycologist. I feel like I cant bare to go to my crache today cause i be thinking to much that i wont be able to foucs on having fun with the kids. Or wore still that some one will say something that sets off a panic reaction of panic attack. I'm a very quiet person when i feel like a shut down is very likly. if some one trys to talk me about why I;m so quiet I start to panic and then say'nothing's wrong" then if thay wont back off and leave me alone it will get worse and worse till I shut donw so much that it scares me and then I run.

I think i'll be living with the MP3 player blarring in my ears for while.

25-10-05, 23:58
I feel better about this now which is a hige impovement to the past I a good day yesterday and i haven't had the fear of shuting down since this time. It quiet strange the way I feel on luvox the different fears that get a grip on me but I have to admitt thay dont last no where near as long anymore these days. So that is such a great feeling.