View Full Version : Dizzy Spell's

24-10-05, 20:47
I very dizzy right now I feel like my head is really fuzzy and the room dosn't seem like It still it looks wobbly almost.

I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water when it just HIT me That all the dizzy spells I've ever had (million's). Thay were proberly so what connected to my anxiety. I got the dizzy spell's real bad when ever i layed down to go to bed. I use to have to sleep with 3 pillow's as child I still felt like I was going to get sick. I use to lay there and get frustrated that i couldn;t find a postion that didn't make me feel worse. I could never find a position that it went away with just had to find the best postion thay gave the most releif and hope I feel alseep. I use to listen to listen to my walkman back then as well just to take my mind off the dizzyness.

I still get this some time's but it realy decreased dramaticly when I Started to drink more each day. It was proberly anxiety agravated by dehydration. I've been wondering for the 3 year's why if i was drinking more didn't it go away fully.

Right now I'm trying real hard to dirnk the water but it's making me feel yuck like if I'm not carfull I will get sick.

24-10-05, 20:50

Sorry to hear that you feel rubbish.

Have you eaten much today - could you have low blood sugar and not realise it cos you haven't eaten much?

Try eating a handful of nuts and seeds to give you some energy.

Hope you feel better soon.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"