View Full Version : Really scared please read

anx mum
16-09-09, 10:25
For over a month now been getting really bad headaches mainly on left side of head but been back of head and had a stiff neck also been feeling really dizzy. About a week ago ended up going 2 a&e cos they got so bad they admitted me and had a ct scan of head lumbar punture, and mri scan all came bk normal. My gp is saying im suffering from tension headaches. Im worrying so much:weep: as my mum died 3 years ago from a brain bleed. Keep thinking ive got what my mum had panicking 24/7 anyone can u give me any advice.

16-09-09, 10:38
Hello :)

You have had all the tests that would pick a brain bleed up and nothing has come up sweetie, this confirms that you definately do not have anything wrong with you, anxiety makes us feel scared and anxious and worried and this is why you are still feeling the way you do, you need to find a explanation for how you feel and this is it.

I have also suffered from terrible tension headaches due to anxiety, so much infact a few times i thought i was going to pass out from the pain, the thing is the more you worry about it the more tension you create and the more it will hurt, my headaches eventually went because i felt so stressed within myself i decided to book 2 weeks off work go on a nice holiday and i did nothing on my holiday but relax! i spent 2 weeks in the sun reading listening to my ipod and tried not to let things stress me out further when i got back.

Maybe picking up a leaflet about Health Anxiety might help you a little, HA is awful i suffer from it also and it is difficult to seperate anxious thoughts from the way you are feeling xx

anx mum
16-09-09, 10:43
thanks hun for replying so scared hun do u really think one of those tests would of shown summat? When u had a tension headache what did it feel like was it constant? yesterday felt like my hair was being pulled from my scalp so sore.

16-09-09, 10:51
Those tests would have definately shown something hun, i knew someone recently who had a mini stroke and they did a MRI to check for a brain bleed, if your MRI came up clear there is nothing to worry about, i even googled for you and it said that MRI scans are now used to detect brain bleeds.

You are fine hunny, i had lots of different types of headaches, the worst one felt like i had a big tonne on my head pushing it down, i felt like it was going to pop or my skull would crack!! also had the sharp shooting pains and sometimes my head felt like it was in a vice i had this for nearly 2 months and then as soon as i tried not to worry about them and relax they went! and yes i had them everyday all the time, i had to sleep with those headcahe strips on my head at night xx

16-09-09, 10:52
Hey I noticed that you posted this already. This is another symptom of anxiety definately. When im really anxious i have no confidence in my memory that stuff is okay and have to repeatedly read things over and ask for the same reasurance over again. My thread history is just the same over and over.

Tension headches are so common with anxiety... you do have anxiety......if there is any doubt that it is purely a tension heachache anxiety will multiply that irrational doubt in your mind by a thousand!!! When an non anxious person talking to you would say straight out that they wouldnt give anything other than the tension headches as the cause a second thought!!

I really think that the key to getting rid of the headache is trying harder to doubt your own scarey opinion about what is causing it and think more strongly that everything will be fine and you are okay!! I alway have amazing faith that i am right when it involves something bad happening to me......i would benefit much more from being more positive about good things happening...but for some reason i can see that might be over optimistic however my brain thinks that being over pessemistic is more accurate?!?!!?!?

I hope your okay sweetie





16-09-09, 10:56
Hey! I am going through the same thing this moment in time! Got a pain on the right side of my head above my ear. It throbs and I am having dizzy spells and neck ache! Please dont panic - your only feeding the fear. Focus on your knee or something (you'll probably start freaking out about the sensations you get there too - like me) but at least it will take away the pain in your head.

Your not alone in any of this believe me! Go for a brisk 5 minute walk..always helps. As long as your walking your not dying!! :)

Mad Medic
16-09-09, 11:53
Has the GP ruled out migraines and "ice-pick" headaches?

16-09-09, 16:10
Anx mum - you are posting about these headaches every day and people have offered loads of suggestions - are you taking any of the advice?

Just add to previous posts rather than keep starting new ones as there are loads of them now lol.

16-09-09, 16:20
hi anxmum maybe you should ask your GP to let you see a neurologist - this does not mean it is anything serious - but they are the docs that deal with headaches.

all the best

anx mum
16-09-09, 16:23
only posting cos worried

anx mum
16-09-09, 16:25
thanks hun have been referred to a neurologist as been in hospital

16-09-09, 16:27
I know you are worried but just add to previous posts and please take the advice that you have been given.

Have you tried the realxing bath, the relaxation, stop hunching your shoulders, neck warmer etc.

Did you manage to get that book I recommended as well?

Loads of people are trying to help. I just think some are getting frustrated.

16-09-09, 16:30
another bit of advice anxmum is to stop the use of all painkillers because of rebound headaches - then deal with the underlying issue - in my case anxiety!

anx mum
16-09-09, 16:32
Yes i have tried all the things u have suggested alot of people have been really helpful. Thought with no panic u could post posts when u want esp when ur very scared and worried!

16-09-09, 16:37
post away - i think the administrators mean you should keep the posts on the same thread!

dont mean to be nosey but did your mum die recently- the headaches could simply because you havnt dealt with the grief properly and you may need councelling.

anx mum
16-09-09, 16:41
yeah i will post away talked 2 alot of nice people on here alot of people going through the same as me wanna say a big thanks too mandie, mummy of 4, nic my mate off msn, elspeth big thank u to u all xx

16-09-09, 16:51
anxmum the main thing to recognise now is that the headache is definately NOT a brain bleed. and to remember that anxiety is a major culprit in headaches as is dehydration and not enough food etc.

are you eating and sleeping well for example?
also have you limited your intake of caffeine as when caffeine leaves the body i think it causes blood vesels to dilate causing a pain.

16-09-09, 18:21
anx mum - Do you have PDF acrobat reader on your PC? If so I will try and scan these pages for you from the book I have.

I didn't mean stop posting, I meant try and keep all the posts under one thread so people can keep up with the advice given and see how you are doing.

anx mum
16-09-09, 18:40
yes have a pdf reader my email adress is ...

16-09-09, 18:59
Ok I will see what I can do.

I have removed your email address from your post now as well.

anx mum
16-09-09, 18:59
thank u x

16-09-09, 22:19
Hi hun

Sorry u still feeling bad

how did the cbt go?

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

mandie xx

anx mum
17-09-09, 10:09
ok hun was just an assesment really going wednesday 2 start it. Trying 2 stay positive but these heads r getting me down wake up in morning with them. Gonna try some syndol today alot of people say this helps. Hows u?

Mad Medic
17-09-09, 11:46
Syndol contains caffeine - not sure I'd go for that myself if I had bad headaches.

anx mum
17-09-09, 11:50
People have recommanded syndol for tension headaches just been 2 chemist and because im on diazpam wouldnt sell it to me.

17-09-09, 12:03
sorry your not feeling good atm bev hope they go soon for you you will be ok xx

anx mum
17-09-09, 13:04
thanks hun it never ends does it. Hows u?

17-09-09, 13:50

I wouldnt take syndol either. they made me feel really spaced out when i took them, plus with anti d's etc not a good idea.

i catch up with u on msn later if yr around


17-09-09, 14:37
anx mum feel free to personal message me i have a lot of personal experience with everything u just said

17-09-09, 14:52
no it never ends nightmare isnt it ill talk to you soon on msn i been on a few times past few days but you havent speak soon


anx mum
17-09-09, 21:03
god these headaches r really getting me down just wish they would go