View Full Version : dose anyone agree????

16-09-09, 11:39
I saw my therapist yesterday and he asked me to circle statements on a page about how i feel when i feel really low which were things like sad, anxious,crying for no reason, self pity,guilt etc etc he then asked me to circle things which applied on a good day.. so i circled 'a little anxious' and a 'little irritated' which IS a good day to me! but he thought this was really sad...that i would feel that way on a 'good day'! but to me feelin a little anxious or irritated is much better than feelin all the other stuff! and now i feel really down that my life is that sad! dose anyone eles feel this way on a 'good day' ????? xxxxx:wacko:

16-09-09, 12:30
I saw my therapist yesterday and he asked me to circle statements on a page about how i feel when i feel really low which were things like sad, anxious,crying for no reason, self pity,guilt etc etc he then asked me to circle things which applied on a good day.. so i circled 'a little anxious' and a 'little irritated' which IS a good day to me! but he thought this was really sad...that i would feel that way on a 'good day'! but to me feelin a little anxious or irritated is much better than feelin all the other stuff! and now i feel really down that my life is that sad! dose anyone eles feel this way on a 'good day' ????? xxxxx:wacko:

i feel this on a good day, as you could be anxious about something and worry but then something could chear you up abit or work out right, you rnot alone im sure everyone on here feels the same things

16-09-09, 13:42
:hugs: Your therapist should realise that ""a good day"" for us is one where we are not in absolute fear / anxiety / stressed to the limit.
Where you said ' a litte anxious / a little irritated - ((to people llike us who suffer this way) ) Is a brilliant day!!
I suppose to someone 'new' to this, it would seem a bit sad or they feel sorry to hear that we are never as 'upbeat ' as they think we should be.
Just be pleased for your self that you DO have good days:hugs:
It takes therapists a little while to get to know us.... and for us to educate them as to the way we feel - that we are not out of a text book - we are all different - PAs affect us in different ways.
Best wishes

16-09-09, 15:27

Testing my poetry skills to the max:unsure: , i wanted to describe that just because it might not sound like a 'perfect' day in a text book; what we experience no matter how insignificant can still be good & positive. So here goes...... drum roll.....:wacko:

Sadness spills across the day
Letting nothing stand in its way

Suddenly there is a light
Making me feel much more bright

It may not be a perfect bright sun
But I can still be proud of what I’ve done

Make sense ? ........ okay maybe not ! :blush:

Take Care


16-09-09, 18:44
thank you every one was gettin a bit worried there ha ha! and matt your poem was great! summed it up xxx

16-09-09, 18:54
i think therapists should have had to go through anxiety and panic themselves lol. a statement like that could make you feel a lot worse! my counsellor was the opposite - if i felt really bad he would say - you are not as bad as you think you are - look at everything you are still doing in your life which is a much better way of looking at things x

17-09-09, 02:46
on a good day I'm a little anxious in the sense that it doesn't bother me or stop me from doing things.
a little anxious is me feeling calm!
is that how you feel too???

do you feel happy on a good day? I know I do :-)

18-09-09, 17:28
Completely agree with June - when you are just beginning your journey to recovery, a good day is any day in which you are not feeling at rock bottom. When you start getting better, you will spend more time feeling "not complete crap" and eventually you start feeling happy. Well that's what happened to me. It is perfectly normal to experience anxiety or depression even on a good day. In the words of Rambo, "You don't just turn it off!"

18-09-09, 19:18
What the heck is a good day! lol....I have bad days and averagely bad days! But this is what ive got through before till the tide turns and the good ones start to come. When were at our lowest point no good days that dont make you sad that means youre at the bottom and the only way left is up! Keep smlin xxxxxxxxxxxx

19-09-09, 08:26
I dont really have good days just days that are not as bad as others! i think with depression/panic you take it an hour at a time not a day at a time there are moments throughout the day when i feel happy but i dont ever have a full happy day....but over the last 3 months i have tried 3 different meds so am all over the place anyway with side effects and stuff! they throw all these pills at you not telling you they will make you 100 times worse to start with and expect you to be happy.... i wish they could walk a mile in my shoes ha ha xxxxx

19-09-09, 13:50
:hugs: i wish they could walk a mile in my shoes ha ha xxxxx
:yesyes: Even a few steps would do - "they" have no idea how we feel:blush:
I think (in my case) i am afraid to feel better - because it is 'tempting fate':blush:
best wishes

19-09-09, 19:15
I think you r right prob the same with me ! some times i catch my self feelin 'normal' for a second and as soon as i think about it it goes and i feel weird again ggggrrrr .... i just dont know how i got to this point ?? when will it end.... there has to be more to life! xxx

Tangerine Man
19-09-09, 22:05
Hi Lajj,

Yes I agree.
After 8 months of treatment - Flouroxtine and weekly therapist sessions - I still live one day at a time and some days are simply better than others. The bad days I seek to get through the good days I try to balance things in and enjoy small achievements - no matter how silly they appear to others. Cutting the lawn and raising the height of a perch in our chicken coop, (it only took four screws to move it) today mad me happy - as I have put off the tasks for weeks now. It was not a big deal for most people but for me it was a triumph - mind you the only ones that appeared to notice were the chickens though.

Still lets see what small steps we can take tomorrow on the road to recovery - where ever that may be.

Good luck

22-09-09, 17:22
I don't think there is such a thing as a full happy day. You can't watch the news without something horrible being shoved in your face. Peoples' moods go up and down all the time. Especially when you are in the early stages of recovery. I am experiencing happy and depressed moods at the moment. I wouldn't wish it on Katie Price! But there is hope; at least we are getting somewhere with our recovery, so we can put up with the crap days cos there are going to be less of them in the future!

22-09-09, 18:16
YEAH I THINK YOUR RIGHT! because there really is good days now think the medication must be working at last !! i only feel bad some of the time instead of all of the time !! :yesyes: