View Full Version : Hi Everyone

16-09-09, 14:15
Hi. My name is Steve and I stumbled across this site whilst browsing the web.

Basically my story is this. I am training to become a Driving Instructor. Things were going quite well until beginning of August. I had a very important test to which If I'd passed I would have been a fully fledged driving instructor.

Regretably I failed and I can only put it down to test nerves. Brain turned into porridge and all my training and hard went flew out of the car window............literally. Needless to say when I got back to the test centre I was told I hadn't passed but in fairness I knew that would be the outcome.

Today I went to the Doc's to see if they could perscribe me something for test nerves. She gave me Propranolol and some Diazepam. I've used the latter before but not the Propranolol. She took my blood pressure and perscribed me 10 x 40mg tablets.

I've got a retest in 3 weeks. Should I take 1 a day about a week before my test. Maybe take 2 a day a couple of days before. Also do they work. I don't have any health problems except I'm a bit nervous when put on the spot.

Any advice would be great..........cheers:)

16-09-09, 19:06
Hi, Propranolol are good for reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety. Check with your gp who can give you the best advise when to take them.

Mel. x

Veronica H
16-09-09, 23:58
:welcome: Steve. Glad that you have found us. The GP or your pharmacist should be able to advise on dosage.


18-09-09, 22:56
Cheers guts. What about Alcohol. Does that work with relaxant drugs

20-09-09, 13:30
Cheers guts. What about Alcohol. Does that work with relaxant drugs

Hi Steve,

I would keep clear of alcohol and medication. I think for both of your prescribed drugs - the instructions state to avoid alcohol. Be careful with the diazepam, it should be prescibed for only a couple of weeks, addiction can set in easily - I should know. I have been on diazepam for over 20 years and cannot get off. Google diazepam - look for an NHS site or NICE and see what it says.

Take Care


21-09-09, 22:01
Cheers Marchant. What exactly does Diazapan do.:)

21-09-09, 22:50
Cheers Marchant. What exactly does Diazapan do.:)

It works great in the short term for anxiety and panic but is highly addictive after 2 weeks.

Diazepam is Valium [trade name]. The GP is supposed to only prescribe for a short period for anxiety and panic. Did you Google Diazepam and NHS? it clearly states the addictive properties of diazepam, propranolol is not addictive.

You said 'She gave me Propranolol and some Diazepam. I've used the latter before but not the Propranolol. She took my blood pressure and perscribed me 10 x 40mg tablets.' I assume that was the propranolol? With propranolol I can get an effect with 10mg. it takes the edge off things but does reduce blood pressure and pulse rate.

I would check with the GP the dosage of both of these drugs.

Take care


23-09-09, 10:15
Cheers Mate.

My Doc perscribed me 10 proprahonol and 6 Diazapam. My test is in 2 weeks time so I'm going to take the proprahonol 1 a day 10 days from the big day and the diazapam 1 a night 6 days before.

1st time I sat this test was 2 months ago. Got very worked up. Didn't sleep well at all night before. Completely knackered when I got to the test centre although the adrenalin rush kicked in which helped a wee bit. Thing is though you don't think straight when you get as worked up as bad as I did. I'm just hoping these tablets relax me enough to think straight and not make a complete pigs ear of things:ohmy:

23-09-09, 10:31
Cheers Mate.

My Doc prescribed me 10 proprahonol and 6 Diazapam. My test is in 2 weeks time so I'm going to take the proprahonol 1 a day 10 days from the big day and the diazapam 1 a night 6 days before.

1st time I sat this test was 2 months ago. Got very worked up. Didn't sleep well at all night before. Completely knackered when I got to the test centre although the adrenalin rush kicked in which helped a wee bit. Thing is though you don't think straight when you get as worked up as bad as I did. I'm just hoping these tablets relax me enough to think straight and not make a complete pigs ear of things:ohmy:

What strength of each did Doctor prescribe, just out of interest?

Have you taken any of these before?


23-09-09, 14:47
What strength of each did Doctor prescribe, just out of interest?

Have you taken any of these before?


Proprahonol are 40mg. Not sure about the Diazapan. I've never taken either before so I'm a bit wary as to what effect they have. Had my blood pressure taken and that was OK

23-09-09, 16:45
Proprahonol are 40mg. Not sure about the Diazapan. I've never taken either before so I'm a bit wary as to what effect they have. Had my blood pressure taken and that was OK


What colour are the diazepam, white, yellow or blue?

It's a case of experimenting I suppose before the day, if that is your plan? You don't want the added stress of wondering what the drugs will do on the day?

Take care


23-09-09, 16:53
Hello Steve1066

What about doing some kind of aerobic exercise just before your test? I find some energetic running or swimming really helps me when I have to undergo anything practical, such as a driving test or an interview. Otherwise, I am completely incapacitated, no matter how well prepared I am. When my performance really counts, I find I can't breath, want to throw up, can't think or talk coherently, etc. Aerobic exercise really helps me get it under control.

Anyway, good luck for next time.

29-09-09, 23:03
Well I've started taking my Proprahonol. 1 tablet yesterday and 1 today. Their 40mg a tablet.

Can't say they've made any real difference so far. I was even tempted to take 2 a time today. Do you have to take them for a few days before you notice a difference:)