View Full Version : moving floor

24-10-05, 21:51
I seriously am having issues... This is a new symptom I am having... and I am kinda scared about it...

I was at work, doing stuff on the computer. I then looked up, and suddenly i felt like i was bobbing up and down... ( I wasnt) I decided to stand up and walk around... which usually helps with anxiety... but it did not go away... it felt like the floor was bouncing. (it wasnt) I jsut felt terribly dizzy... but it was like an up and down bouncing sensation. I still keep getting it. I am home now, resting in bed. But I feel so out of it. I feel sick... and tired. But what the heck happened to me???? It almost felt like I was in an elevator. I am scared... Im not even sure of what. I think I am mostly scared of not being functional. I feel so sick right now... and this hit me out of the blue... I have so much to do... i dont have time for this!!! Most of all, I really am very scared... anyone ever have this symptom? I feel like im bouncing up and down... and my head feels really tight... ahhhhh.

24-10-05, 22:06
Hi Heidi,
I haven't had an up and down bouncing sensation but I have felt as though I'm falling or the floor is moving away, like I'm suddenly going down in the elevator. It only lasted a few seconds but was pretty odd.
Take care,

24-10-05, 22:09
I've had that feeling since I was a kid. I alway put it down to poor balence issues and my poor memory to drink. I'm starting to see the connect it has to my anxiety.

Like yesterday while waiting to see the dr the feeling I was having about the room and my sight's were interfering big time. I get a hazzy look about the room and I feel like the room is wobbly.

I've had the bouncing feeling I use to get it lots as a kids. I can remember giving into the feeling to see what would happen and all that haooened was that i got teased by the kids. The feeling was not a good feeling and getting teased just set of off what i know today to be a anxiety attack but back them it was just me getting angry. I still get it and feel like i have to sit regain a better sence of control.

24-10-05, 22:10
May sound silly but you have been eating regularly haven't you? I find I can get like that if I go too long without eating. Either that or could possibly be an inner ear problem as that can make you go off balance and wobbily

24-10-05, 22:54
walking funny, head rushes and dizziness (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3610)
feel like world is moving (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5827)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-10-05, 22:03
hi heidi

i know exactly what you mean, this is my most ongoing symptom at the moment, however i not only feel like something is moving up and down, but also side to side kind of unbalanced like, but if i try to walk a straight line i can do it. my head is always feeling heavy and tight, like someone is holding my head

april tones
25-10-05, 23:17
i used to get that, it s anxiety/depression xx


02-11-05, 14:33
Hi, this is my first time on the message board.
To cut a long story short I've been suffering with anxiety on and off for approximately 4 years. Just recently it has been quite bad. A new sympton that I've been experiencing sounds similar to yours. I don't get the bobbing whilst walking feeling but when I'm sitting or sometimes standing I find myself jolting, as if I was falling and i'm triing to stop myself. This can then lead to feeling panicy as I think was I about to pass out and I stopped myself.

02-11-05, 15:04
Yep, all sounds familiar.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-11-05, 15:19
Oh yes, I know this one very well!!!

The way you describe it is exactly how I used to describe it. It feels like when you are in a lift (or elevator!! lol) and the lift is just taking off or coming to a stop. But it feels like it's doing it over and over again all the time [V]. That's the only way I can describe it.

Your quote..."I have so much to do... i dont have time for this!!!

You may find the reason for these sensations in this comment you made.
I'd get some rest if you can and get back into things gently.
