View Full Version : HELP ????

24-10-05, 22:00
I am having a real bad time at the moment and see no way out. I feel my adrenalin constantly rushing for the past week with no let up, I feel constantly shakey inside and eratic in everything i do and my hearts pounding away. I was given PROZAC but had to come off them it just hightened me more, then i was given DIAZIPAN they took the edge off slightly,but not enough so DOC gave me ZISPIN(MIRTAZIPINE) today. do any of you know what they do or side effects?? I am so scared of taking tablets because I also have Health Anxiety. I was told that it could take 12 - 18 months to see a clinical psycologist??? Anyone have any ideas of what help i could do in the meantime? I realy feel like hurting myself to take away the thoughts in my head and concentrate on another pain.
Please help I realy need it at the moment

x soggypops x

x soggypops x

24-10-05, 22:16
I use to self harm by cutting but as much as i know it helped me it was also hurting me it's a bad habbit to start and if your have alrady started even harder to stop. I was just recently put on to luvox which has really helped my erg's from tapping, head banging, scratching, cutting. The erg's have stoped there just memorys that I use have the erg to do now it feel very strange but much calmer inside my self. If you have ergs to self harm that think you cant control if you haven't told your Dr it might be a good idea to do so.

I hope you feel better soon.

24-10-05, 22:34
Hello Mum2four

Thankyou for your reply ,I have read some of your other letters to this site and feel like its me writing. I can understand what you go through sometimes and if your like me you still feel like your the only one?
I have 2 children and its so hard to do everyday tasks? I have a partime job ( helping others with their problems) believe it or not !.I go to work and have to sit and listen to what i feel is so trivial problems to mine. I have to bite my tongue and i can feel my heart pounding and then i get palpatations and find it hard to breath ,all this while they sit and chat away . I find every morning so hard as panic sets in as soon as my eyes open and then heart races for the day . at work i have to pop to the loo and pop a diazipan, the other day my boss caught me .so now i am scared of loosing my job?? I just keep thinking wheres my help? all these people that come through the door get everything from reflexology to counselling. My doc says i have to wait 18 months to just get a referal? Life just does not seem fare???
Sorry to rabbit on but i feel i needed to get that off my chest.
I will try and stop hurting myself and i realy am glad you found the time to reply it helps so much.

x soggypops x