View Full Version : Are these symptons really down to anxiety and depression

anxious elephant999
16-09-09, 18:28
I have a list of symptons which docs and everyone keep telling me are due to anxiety
Constant dizziness
eye sockets hurt
jaw aches
Tired all the time
No energy
No motivation
feel really ill all the time
The shakes
No appitite
Dont want to get up in the morning
Sometimes have no time for the people i love
Sometimes feel like i dont love these people
Adrenaline surges
Pounding heart
Wanting to stay in my bedroom
Wanting to just keep my eyes closed all day
Pressure in ears
Slight headache
Diarroreah(cant spell )
Feel like i have no conception of time
Feel like im about to go mad and not know what im doing
Scared of everything and i mean everything
Aswell as the constant dizziness i get dizzy zaps on and off
Please can someone confirm if they have a list as long as his with there anxiety

16-09-09, 18:42
People are right in telling you this sounds like anxiety. I used to have a list like that but I can say I am almost recovered. The thing about anxiety is that it has all sorts of symptoms and seems to play on the ones you fear the most. One symptom can lead to another and so forth with every fear you feel. It is such a viscious cycle. Try for one hour not to fight any of the feelings you are having and see if they disappear. The less you fear them the faster they go away,anxiety is the biggest mind game of all. Take care and let me know if I can help.

16-09-09, 19:03
i get most of your symptoms especially the shakes, i'm left shaking even if i'm not anxious, i feel quite ill most of the time too and get odd dizzy spells like i'm drunk, head aches, diorea ( can't spell it either), i get sickness and lack of appetite, lost 1 and a half stone in 2-3 months!

I feel like i can't or don't want to get up in the morning aswell, prolly cuz we're dreading the day.

I also seem to get this odd thing where i feel i don't want to talk, or can't, kinda hard to explain.

From what i've learned here, it seems anxiety affects everyone in the same general way but as we are all different we can have slightly different effects or completely different symptoms all together!

Hang in there ~ Gaz

16-09-09, 19:13
Hi Anxious Elephant :hugs:

Sorry that you are still having a hard time of it. All the symtoms that you list with the exception of pressure in the ears i have had at various times when suffering from anxiety and depression.

You mentioned in your post's that you have seen a couple of doctors who have diagnosed anxiety and depression, the very nature of these conditions
can leave you exhausted, no motivation, no energy, no appetite, tense, shaky and effect your sleep pattern.

If you think of the few symtoms i have mentioned they link together i.e

No appetite = not eating properly = lack of energy = adds to the exhaustion= no energy to tackle tasks = worry about not eating and being exhausted and not coping with day to day tasks = tension = shaky jerky muscles and clenched jaw muscles.

These symtoms can be really scary, they scared me so much, but after a while I just had to trust what the Psychiatrist, therapist had told me, what i had read and most importantly what fellow sufferers had posted on NMP.

Sorry if i have gone on a bit, but with both anxiety and depression you need to break the vicious circle and then you will be able to gradually overcome these fears.

Take care

Sue :bighug1:

Desprate Dan
16-09-09, 19:21
Yep sounds like every single symptom i had, when it first came over me in March of this year i really didn't know what hit me, i had never experienced anything like it i knew nothing about Anxiety and Depression...

When my Doctor confirmed this was indeed Anxiety and Depression "I thought no he must be wrong i feel as if i am dieing", i totally lost my appetite for over a month i had to force myself to eat, i was constantly trembling, stomache churning, panic attacks feeling sick and most of the symptoms you mentioned, i really thought this is the end for Danny boy..

He told me to look up Anxiety and Depression on the Net so i did and to my suprise every symptom i had was mentioned alongside Anxiety and depression....I really had no idea it could make you feel so physically ill..

But hey there is good news, i know feel a hell of a lot better, not totally cured i still have sensations everyday but you do learn to tolerate and live with them, hopefully one day i will be totally cured..

Hang on in there..


16-09-09, 19:34
i too have had all these symptoms, but when one is explained to me i get used to it and it doesnt bother me much, then bang, a new one appears, as mentioned, so anxiety seems to have a mind of its own and trying to control mine,, i interveened with relaxation CDs and Reiki, slowly learning to gain control of both..

17-09-09, 15:18
I have a list of symptons which docs and everyone keep telling me are due to anxiety
Constant dizziness
eye sockets hurt
jaw aches
Tired all the time
No energy
No motivation
feel really ill all the time
The shakes
No appitite
Dont want to get up in the morning
Sometimes have no time for the people i love
Sometimes feel like i dont love these people
Adrenaline surges
Pounding heart
Wanting to stay in my bedroom
Wanting to just keep my eyes closed all day
Pressure in ears
Slight headache
Diarroreah(cant spell )
Feel like i have no conception of time
Feel like im about to go mad and not know what im doing
Scared of everything and i mean everything
Aswell as the constant dizziness i get dizzy zaps on and off
Please can someone confirm if they have a list as long as his with there anxiety


My list is:

dry mouth
pressure in ears
jaw aches
sweats and feeling hot all the time
Ibs symtoms
dry itchy skin
sinus headaches
itchy ears
pale skin with veins more visible
monthly spots
tired/ cant sleep
adrenaline surges
vivid dreams
increased apetite
tension headahces at back of head and neck
dry eyes
lump in throat feeling - comes and goes
flu like feeling - comes and goes - seems effectd with monthly cycle
lighter periods
very dry skin on feet and sometimes little itchy blisters
feelings of doom
feelings of being trapped by HA
floater and fuzzy night vision
frequent urination/ sometimes cant go easily
thicker leg hair - yuk!
convinced have hiv and five tests are wrong.......
obsession with finding out what is wrong with me...there MUST be something!!

There are probably more too !!


anxious elephant999
17-09-09, 17:31
Hi lisa i had a few other things for my list but didnt think they were anxiety and depression related

Dry mouth
Very itchy dry skin that comes up in hives when i scratch it
Shorter or longer periods
Dry hard skin on feet with little blisters
Leg hair and facial hair growing faster and thicker
Frequent weeing
Feels like something is crawling in my outer ears
Burning arms and legs which i think is due to be tense all the time

Dont we sound attractive Not !!:roflmao:

anxious elephant999
17-09-09, 17:35
Hi Gazman i also get that feeling of not being able to talk ,dont know if its because i dont want to but sort of feel like i want to but cant oh i dont know its just weird but just cant hold a proper conversation

17-09-09, 18:08
hi there,

Yes these can ALL be down to anxiety. Alot of it is because anxiety makes you totally physically and mentall exhausted. I have had days when I felt that I could not even stand up. I will also add though that due to the lack of appetite ( i see you suffer that also) you can make your body even more tired because it is deprived of nutrients. Taking supplements has helped my body feel better.

Try as hard as you can to get proper rest, as this will help with the 'out of body' exhaustion and in turn reduce the other symptoms i have found.

I also tried a internet based CBT programme by Joe Barry ( try googling it!) and this did help me alot around controlling and recognising symptoms of panic, like the adrenaline surges. I have now not had those for around 2 -3 months.. hang in there!


18-09-09, 09:51
Hi lisa i had a few other things for my list but didnt think they were anxiety and depression related

Dry mouth
Very itchy dry skin that comes up in hives when i scratch it
Shorter or longer periods
Dry hard skin on feet with little blisters
Leg hair and facial hair growing faster and thicker
Frequent weeing
Feels like something is crawling in my outer ears
Burning arms and legs which i think is due to be tense all the time

Dont we sound attractive Not !!:roflmao:

anxious that is super funny....i hope you dont mind me saying but i really glad you have these things too!!! Although mean than in then nicest possible way!!!

My friend also has the bug ear feeling ...although she actually went to the drs and said that she believed she had a bug living in her ear.....she went so many times that when she phones for an appointment the receptionist asks her if it about her ear and if so the dr will not be seeing her unless her symptoms have changed!!!!!:roflmao:

Shouldnt laugh i guess!!!

Hope your okay ...........im having a super bad anxiety day...although this has cheered me up a bit


anxious elephant999
18-09-09, 10:12
Im haveing a terrible morning and its only 10 o clock feel so anxious and soooo dizzy and it makes me feel rally sick dont want to go anywhere as im afraid of the dizziness and adrenaline sometimes even using this computer makes me more dizzy does this happen to you ?And i thought of another symptom i get which scares me and still dont know wether its anxiety related is its like my tongue feels like it twitches , and sometimes i feel like my tongue is swelling up but when i ask anyone they say it looks fine , do you get this at all ?:hugs:

18-09-09, 11:38
tongue issues very much so. Except i feel like my tongue is driers on one side more than the other .

More often than not now i can control the mad horrible morning anxiety but i coudnt before and it lasted all day ....i know that sounds weird but i can say now that if you stamp it out or catcht it in the morning before it grows....you can save the rest of the day.However the way i have found to do this is quite the opposite from what i was doing! Sitting trying to think myself out of HA or worse RESEARCH myself out of it is actually the worst thing to do and puts us deeper in a hole. Instead we need to see the anxiety as an idependent thing, distinct from us that can be kept...in a box if you like ......until we are strong enough to deal with it.( good news is that when we are strong enough it will actually go and never need dealing with!!)

The funny thing that i now see looking back over the last few months is that the first time of 'ignoring the anxiety and living anyway 'is the hardest and then the days following get better as normal life seems to become more familiar and safe again. But that only seems to happen with practise if that makes sense?!?! It almost like you have to learn to live normally again? and with learning anything you need to take the first step before you can start the lessons!! the first step for me hurt and my anxiety went absolutely mental and sometimes i feel a bit like day one again....but soooooooo much less.

Did you say you took sertraline before Anxious?



anxious elephant999
18-09-09, 13:14
Yes lisa i used to take sertraline and it worked well for nearly 2 years then wham out of no where it stopped working and thats when this all started about 16 months ago , so is your anxiety under control now then :hugs:

18-09-09, 13:22
I get dizziness and breathlessness too (along with lots of other things!) I have just recently realised I may be anaemic, which can cause both these things. I am taking Spatone sachets in the hope that I'll feel better soon. I'm not really eating properly, (junk!) so it's very easy to become anaemic. It's happened to me a few times before. Do you take any suppliments? Are you eating ok? Maybe something to think about to make the dizziness better :hugs:

anxious elephant999
18-09-09, 14:43
Hi choccychompa sometimes i eat ok but when the dizziness gets real bad it makes me feel sick so i cant eat but i do take multivits and B6 supplement but i still feel like s**t really dont know what to do anymore :ohmy:

18-09-09, 16:07
Yes lisa i used to take sertraline and it worked well for nearly 2 years then wham out of no where it stopped working and thats when this all started about 16 months ago , so is your anxiety under control now then :hugs:
Anxious probably not a good day to ask me that. I am approaching the mother ship today thats for sure!!!

Feel so sick with anxiety today....almost 100% convinced have hiv and have given it to my baby and partner. Problem is i dont know what to do about it becuae im too gutless to go and demand that something is done becuase then i will lose evrything.....

sorry thats not very helpfull for you luv, just needed to say it


anxious elephant999
18-09-09, 16:43
I know its hard for you to believe but after 5 negative tests i really think you HAVE NOT GOT HIV , i can give out advice chick but just cant believe it when its me like the brain scan i had i still think they missed something thats making me dizzy , but i do keep getting the results out to look at it reassures me (for about 5 mins ) :hugs:

13-06-10, 22:35
Wow I never pegged my itchy ears to anxiety and can't believe others have the bugs crawling feeling too! I too went to the doctors for this and was given ear drops which did nothing...no suprise!
I have all the same symptoms as have previously been mentioned but is your sickness mainly in the mornings? Mine tends to be worst in the
mornings but wierdly if I do eat I feel sligtly better?!?
It's amazing the lists and lists of things/feelings that happen to an anxiety sufferer on any given day, so much more that I'm certain we don't even think about as being at all related...like the itchy ears for me!
Lisalisa, only thing I can say from experience is that even if you did have HIV it is not the life sentence everyone thinks it is, yes it is a serious disease but in general people who take care of themselves with HIV have a completely normal life expectancy, thus if you cannot remove the idea that you have it, try to understand it is a treatable virus and try to take a little comfort from that.
Take Care