View Full Version : Worried sick, really need some advice please

16-09-09, 21:42
Pretty soon now i have to move house. I'm dreading it as i don't know how im going to cope with moving to a new county and my panic attacks are just awful right now. being agoraphobic i hardly ever go out and when i do its never far, i just don't know what to do. In a way its not a totally bad thing because this house dose hold alot of bad memorys for me but im scared so much of the move. I have problems with eating anyway, if i don't eat i panic that i will faint, so im worried that on the moving day i will have to have something to eat then be sick in the car as im so scared of cars. I've been scared of cars for about three years ever since i was in my dad's car and we almost had an accident and obviously i have to now be in a car for two hours and i don't know if i can cope with it. I was thinking of going before the move date and booking into a hotel and then my dad could come down after but i just don't know what to do. I'm working myself up so much, i just wish i didn't have this awful thing. i can't cope with all these feelings im having. it's now getting to the point where im thinking about killing myself before, so i don't have to move. it's so bad i dream about killing myself and keep thinking and planning it in my head. i get really strong urges to do it. i can't tell anyone about it, i wouldnt know what to say im not great with talking to people at the best of times let alone about this. please give me some advice on what to do

16-09-09, 22:08
I really empathize with your plight, I went through a similar problem a couple of years ago. The severity of your agoraphobia is disabling you to such an extent it is causing depression. Suicide is not a solution, your depression is not allowing you to see beyond it as mine did for me. But I sought help and managed to understand how anxiety and depression can put your mind in a vicious circle of negativity. I've now broken that circle and rarely have suicidal thoughts. Have you sought medical help yet? Although I tend to champion therapy over medication, any advice I could give you would require time for you to start responding to it. CBT and anxiety management are effective methods but they will take time to start working. Medication might be the best short term solution.