View Full Version : Woke This Morning Heart Doesn't Sound Right?

16-09-09, 22:22
I laid around for about a month and a half. Then I went to the doctor and she upped my meds both beta blocker and anti-anxiety and I have been up and around .. more but not that much.

I feel as though im in never never land when I get up and walk around. Can't really explain it here. Maybe its anxiety, maybe its the meds and maybe there is something wrong. I don' t know. I just want to feel myself.

I woke this morning with a nervous feeling. I got a cup of coffee and laid back down propped up. I can hear my heartbeat plain as I have a stethoscope on.

I have been able to hear it this well for three years so its not something new..

When I went to the doctor I was checked for heart and had an ekg and my doctor spent almost an hour checking me from head to foot listening to every complaint and checking everything possible. She said there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your heart. I said what about the sound like a lub dub la lub dub. She said its ventricula something and benign.

She said as far as im concerned there is nothing wrong with your heart ,lungs or anything. But as I lay in bed this morning I heard that lub la dub
over and over..weird sounds and just didn't sound right.

I read Claire Weeks book that says ignore these things and float right over them but Im tired of feeling like crap all the time. I want my life back and I have certainly tried so hard to make that happen.

We aren't getting out that much because of rain and bad weather getting ready for winter so maybe im not exerting enough but I do things around the house that are hard and if I had heart trouble I would surely know it.

Hearing your heart is miserable. Most people never notice theirs if they can't hear it . I noticed everything not because im listening its just because I hear it. Also not feeling well really makes you irriateble and makes you worry.

Should I just go on an ignore the things I hear or should I have many many test done? Frankly this doctor is a verteran and people have depended on her in battle to make sure they were ok without the help of test.. I want to trust but im a little nervous still . Any thoughts?

16-09-09, 22:35
Some people with anxiety react very badly to coffee. The caffeine can cause the adrenalin gland to secrete more adrenalin than normal. As anxiety also produces adrenalin this can intensify you symptoms. Just suggesting this because I noticed you drank coffee before your symptoms got worse. Of course if the coffee was decaff you can ignore this suggestion. :D

16-09-09, 23:41
Some people with anxiety react very badly to coffee. The caffeine can cause the adrenalin gland to secrete more adrenalin than normal. As anxiety also produces adrenalin this can intensify you symptoms. Just suggesting this because I noticed you drank coffee before your symptoms got worse. Of course if the coffee was decaff you can ignore this suggestion. :D

WOW exceptional quotes.. Ill have to copy it and put in on my desktop.

Actually I hadn't really even drank a swallow of caffine..

Funny over the years I drank probably 20 to 30 cups of coffee a day. In the recent year or so.. I drink maybe three cups a day. I have just gotten really tired of the taste..For me that is weird ..sometimes I wonder if just cutting back on the coffee brought on anxiety . I didn't do it on purpose.

Also a note.. My mother had a pot of coffee on all day everyday .. she drank it for probably 60 years and then suddenly stopped a year before her death.. I have no idea why she did , she just stopped. I was shocked but didn't say anything. Needless to say she died about less than a year later.

Maybe no connection but makes you wonder.. Thanks for your input.

17-09-09, 00:15
Many people who have suffered from panic attacks noticed that their attacks cleared up after they reduced their caffeine intake. This doesn't work for everyone as the adrenalin secretion to caffeine intake varies from person to person. Some people are just more sensitive to caffeine than others. But caffeine is recognized as one of the major contributors to anxiety.

Hope that helps
