View Full Version : Why?

17-09-09, 00:46
Anxiety is so annoying, i was out most of the day today with friends playing footie n messing about as you do lol anyway during that time i never had one twitch didn't feel shakey or nothing, was totally fine :)

As soon as i get home, i start twitching and feel bad again, sitting here thinking about tumors again :( why does ut work like that? why do i not have any problems when I'm having fun outside? really annoying :(

17-09-09, 00:58
You already answered your question, I quote 'As soon as i get home, i start twitching and feel bad again, sitting here thinking about tumors again'.
One of the biggest contributor to anxiety is thinking about the things that makes us anxious. When you are outside the activity distracts you from anxious thoughts. Distraction is one of the best methods of countering the the anxiety and negative thought cycle. The more you sit and think about the things that make you anxious the more anxious you become.

Hope that helps


17-09-09, 22:31
Away from home things are different. Distraction definitely is a tool for helping anxiety. At home it's back to the old routine of sitting getting stuck in the anxiety groove. No matter how bad you feel it's better to point the body in the right direction and get on with other activities. Keep having fun outside and eventually you'll feel better when inside. Anxiety will quieten down. You only wind yourself up when sitting doing nothing. I've been there!! Occupation is the key.

18-09-09, 08:32
I totally agree. When I'm out with my family or friends I feel fine but as soon as I'm at home or having a bad day at work the anxiety kicks in. I also feel a lot worse first thing in the morning when I'm lying in bed but as the day goes on I start to feel better. It's as though it takes my common sense longer to wake up!!

18-09-09, 09:14
same here