View Full Version : Strange Feeling With Sleep?

17-09-09, 04:51
Hey, I just wanted to see if this is something anyone else experiences - I'm not really that worried about it I guess, but kind of curious.

Sometimes if I have been asleep for a little bit and wake up for whatever reason, I get this really strange feeling. It feels sort of like an internal vibration or something. The first time it happened, I thought there was a washing machine shaking or something - it really felt to me like the bed was shaking ever so slightly. I asked my wife if she felt it, but she said no. I do not shake on the outside at all - it was totally internal. I mostly feel it in my torso, and some in my legs and arms sometimes. The weird thing is, I only feel this if I have fallen asleep and wake up shortly thereafter (like, within an hour or so). I have not felt it during the day, or in the morning, or even later in the night - only within that short time frame of falling asleep. Even then I've not felt it every time.

I asked the doctor about it, and he just looked at me like he had no idea what I was talking about. His only thought was maybe restless leg syndrome or something. He didn't seem worried though, and this doctor I actually respect a lot, so that made me feel better. I have read of some other people who felt something similar, and none of them suggested anything serious either (thank goodness!).

Anyway, I figure this may have something to do with anxiety - perhaps my body is just reacting that way as my body finally calms down some, or something like that. But again, I was curious if others have felt anything like this.


17-09-09, 05:04
OMG! I just wrote the same question in the post before yours! YES I GET IT!! At the moment i am suffering terrible GAD because of it. I also get it during the day but night time seems to distress me more! It's like your vibrating or trembling under the skin but it's not visable. So wierd! But i'm soooo glad someone else gets it! (no offence) hehe. Phew!


17-09-09, 05:24
i get it when falling asleep, its worse when waking up

17-09-09, 06:06
Yes absolutely .. especially when I have been keyed up all day. Its normal for anxiety..

17-09-09, 17:19
Thanks guys! Yeah it's such a weird feeling. The interesting thing for me is, I first started getting this feeling about 3-4 years ago. At the time I definitely had stress, but did not recognize it as anxiety. So it's interesting to see how anxiety can build up, and do weird things without you even realizing it. Now that I've had other issues, it has become more apparent to me what the cause is!

19-09-09, 00:56
Oh my god! I have just noticed this feeling a few times - and it is always when I wake up. I have a breathing disorder so sometimes I wake myself up in the night - quite a few times - gasping for breath. I can have been sound asleep when this happens - anyway the last few times I have felt this feeling and been a bit freaked out by it.

God it is crazy what anxiety does to your body!

23-09-09, 04:03
It sounds like a form of hypnogogic jerk, which is where you're half asleep and your brain is in a highly relaxed state, you can get strange sensations, this is probably due to a drug the brain releases when you sleep which is designed to numb the nervous system whilst you're asleep to stop you acting out your dreams XD But you can wake up still semi aneasetised sometimes, which is the cause of 'sleep paralysis'. It can be scary, but it's perfectly normal and certainly nothing at all to worry about :)