View Full Version : Chest pain - Acid - Reflex - Caner = Death

17-09-09, 05:43
Chest pain - Acid Reflex - Cancer = Death (forgive my retarded title im in a panic at the moment)

I havent been on this site for ages but im in need of some help my friends... sigh and im scared because i know everyones gonna say go see a gp wich will make it WORSE :mad: ... i have had acid reflux my whole life i was on a med that worked all the way from age 15 - 20 then it stopped working, im 23 now, id always get pains my whole life from acid reflux.. weekly and not as bad but now im getting pains daily and it hurts and its just horrible... ive been dealing with it.. i started taking mylanta wich helped for a week then it started hurting again... everytime after i eat i feel like total s**t... doctors have told me in the past that in the long run acid reflux could cause cancer..... im so terrified and that thought is keeping me from seeing a specialist....i just cant do it... im in extreme pain .. im scared... im tired of feeling like s**t..... i just need to tell someone i need to hear from others...
cancer is my biggest fear ever since my ucle died from it.... im terrified and in a state right now... if anyone can reply or have a chat with me... please that would be so great im in need :weep:

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17-09-09, 07:08
Hi Malv

I too am suffering from chest pains. I woke up in a bit of a panic, turned over and then felt cramp pain in my chest wall. This immediately started me in a full blown panic and now I am dizzy and feeling lots of different shooting pains in my upper back, upper side etc... I just feel like they are little warnings that the real deal a Heart attack will follow.

I think your question will Acid reflux increase the risk of contracting cancer of the oesophagus should be directed at a physician as I would not know. I really sympathise with you as acid reflux, I have been told, is the closest feeling to a heart attack. People who I know who have had a heart attack say it is like really bad indigestion.

I hope you find peace soon.


17-09-09, 12:23
Hi Im getting into a state today about acid reflux becuase i had a really bad bout of it at the weekend and its scared me becuase I am taking meds for it already but interestingly i just read that having not enough stomach acid can also cause the reflux becuase not having enough.......caused by taking tablets to lower stomach acid can cause protein to be insufficently digested in the tummy and it stays there while the other foods go down and start getting digested. What then happens is the stomach acid in the stomach is still high working away on the protein while the other stuff is in the pancreas or intestines or whatever and it means that the muscle that keeps the food and acid in is still open and so it comes up the gullet with the movement cuased by the lower digestion process and burns like he**!!!

That was what i read anyway.......dont quote me though!!!
