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17-09-09, 06:42
Right now ...at this moment its 11;32 pm at night in the U.S in the mountains where we live.

First of all Ill tell you we live one mile and one half above sea level. Thats about almost 3000 meters.. Its about 49 degrees Fahrenheit here right now

ITs about 65 degrees Fahrenheit inside. Starting with the sun going down and it getting colder.. Our bodies are warmer than the air surrounding us. The moisture here is sucked right out of your body because of lack of humidity .

Therefore we feel as though we are sweating like really working out, but there is no moisture it only feels like moisture. Your face and upper body feels like you are burning up with fever yet you have none.

There is a few clouds in the air so that moisture since you are close to them is suffocating you .Your lungs are used to dry air and 25 percent less oxygen than at sea level..

You feel as though you are breathing water.. Then on top of that ...Your mind is all over the place and wondering am I really feeling this or is it anxiety ..Yet you know that the place has everything to do with the feeling.

Your heart feels as though its working hard and you take your pulse and its not. Its beating steady and slowly..Your ears are burning like someone put a heating iron next to them another effect of living here no doubt.

Its a little anxiety causing situation yet it affects me every evening . I cannot move we have put our lives into this place yet its hard for me to keep feeling these things which make me wonder if its me or the place.

For the first year I was here these feeling really scared me. I look back even now over post I made then feeling the same things yet I still get worried.. Just thought I would give you a little insight into things not in my control that make you feel bizarre..

I want so bad to stop worrying about how I feel to ignore this place and the things it makes you feel I hope I win the battle again..It feels useless sometimes but maybe just maybe one day Ill make it.

Veronica H
17-09-09, 09:43
:bighug1: I know that this is a daily challenge for you but maybe therfore a chance to practice acceptance of it and try to relax into it as best you can? This is of course an illness of how we think and you seem determined to beat this so you need to turn this around in your mind.....I didn't say it will be easy though, I feel your pain. It must be beautiful in the mountains when morning comes around though?


17-09-09, 14:31
Out of curiousity do you live in Colorado, I only ask because I wanted to move there and was afraid of the same thing. It is such a pretty place with tons of things to do but I was scared that I would be out of breath all of the time.

17-09-09, 23:04
WOW ... we have a winner.... Yes Colorado.. But you shouldn't worry about how the altitude is going to affect you . We came from below sea level living most of our lives and made it ok.. Its just we are in the mountains in the clouds and the clouds tend to cause this type of feeling but most people don't have issues breathing here, if they do its only for a few weeks and then their bodies readjust.

The easiest way to see how it affects you is to come here for a visit.. just a week and you will be able to tell . The first time we came here before moving here we were suppose to be here seven days and we decided to leave of the forth day because we were feeling better.. so we kind of blew it.

The weather here is a little strange and most people get used to it. I did for about three years. Its just when I started getting anxiety again did I notice it.

Other than anxious breathing .. I never really have been out of breath..to tell the truth.. Not like struggling to breath. You do feel a little spacy sometimes with the lighting but you get used to it I suppose. I talked to a woman the other day that said that she had been here 14 years and never got used to it..

Funny thing here where we live.. no one dies until their 90's and 100's.. and no one really knows why.. when someone dies in their 80's people alwys exclaim they were sooooo young.. But don't let me discourage you plan a trip here and see for yourself. Come with an open mind.. don't expect symptoms just expect a good time and then see if your body experiences anything.

17-09-09, 23:17
Hi there,

I visited Colorado Springs last year at this time of year and found it quite hard to breathe, especially at night when I was laying down. Had one really bad night where I really freaked myself out.

I live in Las Vegas and the dryness sometimes seems to have the same effect almost.

I'm not sure what to suggest, but you have to find a way to distract yourself from this before it becomes all consuming and you become determined to move somewhere else. Imagine doing that and things weren't really any better.

Hang in there. Maybe try a couple of humidifiers in the house to see if that helps.

Natalie x

19-09-09, 02:07
Wow worrier I live in Vegas too. I am going to visit Colorado because of how beautiful everyone says it is. Living here with no humidity is hard because everything is so dry and that cause me to feel short of breath sometimes because I used to live by the ocean where it was moist all of the time...anyway enough rambling, thanks for the info on your place, cant wait to go.

19-09-09, 02:30
Hi there,

I visited Colorado Springs last year at this time of year and found it quite hard to breathe, especially at night when I was laying down. Had one really bad night where I really freaked myself out.

I live in Las Vegas and the dryness sometimes seems to have the same effect almost.

I'm not sure what to suggest, but you have to find a way to distract yourself from this before it becomes all consuming and you become determined to move somewhere else. Imagine doing that and things weren't really any better.

Hang in there. Maybe try a couple of humidifiers in the house to see if that helps.

Natalie x

We have tried ionizers, air purifiers, humidifiers, and the only way to deal with it is .. ignoring it. Last night it was also really bad but I had to completely redo the operating system and all software on my wife's computer so I got through the night pretty much ignoring it. It happens so this is home I have to deal with it I suppose.

Like I said .. On the breathing thing.. I have had anxious breathing and some shortness of breath on really hard exertion but breathing normally really doesn't bother me except when the moisture is in the air. If I get up and keep busy though I don't really notice that. I suppose its all in my mind.. or mind over matter..We have been here a long time now and the we don't have the mountain sickness or any of the symptoms of any altitude sickness..I guess we are both lucky but the funny thing is we are both tropical people and so odd it wouldn't bother us.

Thanks for your input. Just really wanted people to kind of know what I dealt with here to give you the heebeejeebees lol. Take care