View Full Version : Social Anxiety - Christmas Temp Job

17-09-09, 11:09

I have just applied for a christmas temp job at the local royal mail sorting office. I was wondering if anyone here with social anxiety has any experience of this job? Did it affect your anxiety etc..

I'm hoping I do get the job because I feel that I would benefit from it.

17-09-09, 11:43
I hope you get it too, because a job can really boost your confidence. And its also temporary, so if you really hate it, well its not so long. I found that jobs helped my confidence anyway. That wasn't helpful, but I wanted to offer a vote of confidence.

17-09-09, 11:45
My first job I got asked to leave because I refused to work on the tills. I know what job I definatley don't want! lol.

Thankyou for the vote of confidence!