View Full Version : Changes

25-10-05, 09:28
Hi all
Does anyone feel really sensitive to change?
For example,i recently moved house and its taking me ages to adjust.When i went on holiday the DP/DR was really a lot worse than usual.Sometimes it even gets really bad when i am anywhere at all thats just unfamiliar to me.
When i do all these things i feel even more distant,forgetful,unable to concentrate etc.
Does anyone else have this?
Hunny x

25-10-05, 09:45
Yes this is extremely normal


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-10-05, 10:10
Oh yes I'm extreamly sentative to change and so are my kids.

When I know my self so well in this regard that I started packing for hospital with my last pregnancy at 6 mth pregnant.

When i decided to move house I was packing well before i found a house to move to reduce my stress form the anxiety. After i move house it take me for ever to unpack because I refuse to put extra presure on my self in order to keep my sanity and leave enough energy to deal with kids.

Since being on med's I'm finding that I'm not over reacting to situation as much or as often.

25-10-05, 10:38
Yes I feel exactly the same, it is common with anxiety, its much easier to just sit at home, where everything is safe and mostly predictable.

love from Alexisxxxx

25-10-05, 11:11
I hate change because it takes you out of your comfort zone but I feel my recovery lies in change. Feel the fear and do it anyway!!:D (just wish I could remember that the next time I need to do something new!)

Jem xxx

25-10-05, 11:21
Just wish it didn't produce such symptoms too!

First Anxiety...then panic attacks...now GAD and depression...now working on a better future!