View Full Version : Can Panic Attacks Last For Days?

17-09-09, 11:37
I Have Suffered Panic Attacks For A While Now But Only On The Odd Occasion Until A Few Months Ago Then They Just Come Out Of Nowhere & Im Getting Them Every Day Now But They Are Lasting All Day Long & I Just Dont Know If This Is Right Or Not Because When You Read Up About Panic Attacks Most People Say They Only Really Last For Up To An Hour So When I Read This It Just Makes Me More Worried That Something Is Wrong With Me,i Dont Understand Why Im Getting Them To Last This Long ,im On Fluexotine At The Moment Which Isnt Working At All,i Just Feel Im At My Wits End Now & Just Dont Know Wot To Do Or Who To Turn To,please Someone Reply Bk To Me Ide Be Very Gratefull.

17-09-09, 11:47
Hi Kaz,

Ive had panic attacks that last for days at a time, its normally the anxiety that lasts and keeps a hold of me, but i have Diazepam now and im having CBT and now manage to go days and weeks even without having any now.

Im sure you are going to be just fine, maybe there staying because you are thinking about then.

Take some deep breaths and try and keep busy thats what i do :D xx

17-09-09, 19:19
I have had anxiety on a scale 9/10 for days, I still get at that level a few times a day now. I'd say a panic attack is an 11 on the scale - these I only get for 30mins or so, but it does take me hours to get over them.

18-09-09, 04:27
I Have Suffered Panic Attacks For A While Now But Only On The Odd Occasion Until A Few Months Ago Then They Just Come Out Of Nowhere & Im Getting Them Every Day Now But They Are Lasting All Day Long & I Just Dont Know If This Is Right Or Not Because When You Read Up About Panic Attacks Most People Say They Only Really Last For Up To An Hour So When I Read This It Just Makes Me More Worried That Something Is Wrong With Me,i Dont Understand Why Im Getting Them To Last This Long ,im On Fluexotine At The Moment Which Isnt Working At All,i Just Feel Im At My Wits End Now & Just Dont Know Wot To Do Or Who To Turn To,please Someone Reply Bk To Me Ide Be Very Gratefull.


Yup I've been there for like a MONTH. 2 emergency room visits. Trust me it was an awful summer for me.

Actually what you have is anxiety. real anxiety. (not the fake anxiety where people throw the word around). If you pay attention throught the day, you will feel numerous panic attacks lasting a few minutes. For me they peaked most around 2pm ish for some reason.

So basically for a month you can feel stoned, tingly, heart beating, and all those disturbing thoughts although they are not panic attacks per say. This is just anxiety.

During your anxiety you will get many many small panic attacks throught the day. When you get a panic attack you're heart will race a bit faster, breathing shallow, and maybe some pains/chest pains along with this. They can hit you in different ways and different areas. They aren't full blown out of the blue suprise panic attacks. They are basically predictible and steady. If you are unemployed sitting on a computer chair all day (as I was) you can feel them come and go all day. If you were moving around it would be harder to notice.

I remember not wanting to sit back on my chair when I had an attack because I could feel my heart beat though my BACK to the back of the chair so I'd have to adjust myself and lean fwd. all the while trying to just ignore it and keep playing world of warcraft (my savior though all this was that video game).

18-09-09, 04:34
[quote=M_worrier;552458]this forum has helped me calm down and realize that I'm doing all this to myself. :(quote]

Well I wouldn't say your doing ALL of it to yourself. God blessed all of us with different brain chemistry and we are more prone to this than other people so it's not all your fault. Kind of like how it's not completely an obese persons fault that he's obese because 50% is from genetics.

However the other 50% is what we can focus on.

To resolve my brain chemistry issue I take medication and it has been my savior!

18-09-09, 20:34
I'm going through a similar thing right now.
Severe anxiety and agitation 24/7, and depressed like I've never been before. I can't calm myself down at all. My body is exhausted, I have almost no physical symptoms, moslty psychological, which is actually worse.
I'm actually wondering if I'll make it through this ... :(

18-09-09, 20:44
I really feel for you. You must feel exhausted by it all. You might be better going back to your g.p. incase there is a different treatment you can have. My only experience of fluoxetine was awful and I only took it for three days. I felt in a constant state of anxiety and could not have coped with it, especially at work. Previous anti-depressants did not make me feel anything like this. Go back to your doctor and explain how you feel. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by taking medication that's not helping you when you are still feeling so awful. You don't have to feel like this in this day and age. Make that appointment.
take care