View Full Version : Hi all :)

17-09-09, 12:23
Hi, my names Katie and I've been suffering a lot from panic attacks. They only started just over 2 weeks ago when I went to Manchester with a few friends for a night out and a hotel stay. I felt unwell so went back to the hotel room, I was just drifting off to sleep and bang that was my first attack. It was the worst thing I've ever experienced, being far away from home and alone at the time. I thought I was dying so spent the whole night in A&E and completely struggled to manage the 4hr coach ride home.
Now I thought that was it, I totally thought it was a one off until last friday when my partner was out for the evening and bang another one out of nowhere. I had to get my dad to come and sit with me at 1am as my partner wasnt back. Although this time I knew I wasnt dying, but thought I was going mad. Both times suffering the panic attack hangover (?) the next few days. Since friday its all I can think about and have regular attacks, although not lasting hours or to the severity as before. From the moment i wake till i go to bed its on my mind.
An emergency dr on the following monday (not my regular doc I hasten to add) prescribed me 20mg of citalopram, which after seeing another doc since was a bad idea as 20mg is an extreame start dose. I only had the one tablet and since have researched the drug on the internet and realised its defo not for me. (took it monday night and its now thurs afternoon and the drug feels as if it is only just wearing off)
My mother went in to the doctors around my age for feeling 'a bit down in the dumps' and they gave her drug after drug and it became a downward spiral and she has been very ill over the last 20 years. My dad still blames the drugs and so I'd rather try anything but drugs at the moment to keep on top of this. I am now waiting for CBT but the doctor said it can take about a month for a place to become free, so until then I am going to have to wade through and cope.
I'm glad I've found this place as no1 around me seems to understand in the slightest and thinks its just a state of mind I can just get my head around. Basically 'get a grip'
Anyway hello to all :)

17-09-09, 12:55
Hello :)

Welcome to the site!! i think you have made the right decision to decide not to start off with meds, sometimes they can just mask the problem at hand.

My anxiety started out similar to yours, i started off with panic attacks, i think its great that you doctor has referred you for CBT so quickly!! i really believe that if i was given the correct help early on i would not be suffering 2 years later.

I have only just been referred for CBT i start next month and heard lots of positive things about it.

It looks like you are on the right path and receiving the right help so good luck :) xx

17-09-09, 13:55

welcome to the site.

1 months wait or cbt is good. I waited over 8 months for mine. It was worth the wait for me though, i found it really helpful

You can be started on 20mg although i was started off on 10mg. They really helped me.

Its a vicious circle, u have the panic attack, u think bout having another one, and then u have another one cause yr constantly thinking of them.

love mandie x

17-09-09, 14:35
ty for the welcome. Well Meg tbh I didnt wait till I was offered the therapy I demanded it after he thought I should try another drug. I know drugs work for some people but I just want to steer clear unless it becomes the only option left. Mandie, the doctor only game my a 3 week course of the 20mg and there was no mention of continuing the treatment which seems stupid to me and I'm glad I did the research otherwise I'd be suffering for the next few months from the side effects as well as when I'd have finished the course.

Anyway I've just invested in some self help books which maybe point me in the right direction. I think the best advice I've had yet is not to be scared of them, take them head on and they should by themselves dissapear as the anxiety has gone. Going to try and teach my mind that.

I cant go on like this, I have two young boys and am studying psychology so i need a clear head, I hope i can overcome this quickly and not suffer for long

17-09-09, 22:33

Your seems silly, wot good is a 3 week course, he could of at least given u a 4 week supply and asked u to come back for a review.

good luck which ever way u decide to tackle these nasty things

love mandie x