View Full Version : Panicking - Back Ache

17-09-09, 13:34
I'm hoping someone can talk some sense into me.

I've been suffering from lower back ache on and off for about three weeks now. Some days it's not so bad, (in fact last week I thought it was getting better) other days I feel it more in my left hip. I also feel it more when I'm sat at my desk whereas it's not too bad when I walk. To add to my worries, this morning after being sat at my desk for a long time with my legs crossed I stood up and could feel pins and needles down below. That's the second or third time I've felt that since the back ache started.

I can't see my osteopath until Sunday and I can't get a doctor's appointment, (even if I could I'm too scared to go) If someone was telling me their symptoms I would probably tell them it's nothing but backache and perhaps sciatica so why am I thinking it's something really bad like cancer. :( I feel like bursting into tears but I can't because I'm in work.

17-09-09, 15:41
Marfen, hi. I have lower backache which varies from annoying to excruciating and I cannot sit too long as when I rise and release pressure from the tail of my spine I have such an agonising, acute pain there that many times I let out a yell!! Does not go down well in libraries and such! Seriously it sounds like acute backache based in the bones in the tail of the spine ( coccyx). You will get reassurance from your osteopath I am sure. X

Cell block H fan
17-09-09, 18:28
Lower back ache is nearly always some kind of strain.
I had upper back ache for weeks years ago! I was convinced I had something nasty. Because everything I read about, was to do with lower back ache! I was terrible for googling back then! But I must of done some damage somehow. I never found out what it was.

17-09-09, 22:19
Thanks for replying. I must admit, my coccyx was hurting today when I was sat at my desk. Well it wasn't hurting as such, just more of an uncomfortable feeling. It's also always the first thing to hurt when I've been riding my bike but I haven't been on that for a while.

I started with an achey side about three weeks ago which went away when I was on holiday. That made me think it was our bed at home. Then whilst we were on holiday I was walking along and took a step not realising that there was a step down in front of me. My back felt a little funny then. Then a few nights later, back in our own bed, I woke up on my tummy and my lower back felt as though it had stiffened up.

I spoke to my doctor yesterday and he offered me an ultrasound if it meant putting my mind at ease. I decided against it and he didn't push it. I guess if he thought it was anything serious he would have told me to come in surely?

27-09-09, 18:14
So I saw my osteopath on Wednesday and she said it was probably muscular and did a bit of work on my back. It took a few days to settle down but now my left hip is hurting again; only when I do stuff like bend forward etc. Now my anxiety has gone into overdrive because I was lying down before and lifting each leg up and down and when I lower my left leg I can feel a clicking in my hip. I googled (I know) but everything that is coming up is too technical. I was just wondering if anyone else had had this and what it could be. I'm going to ring my osteopath in the morning but you know what it's like, my anxiety won't let me wait.