View Full Version : New to this and forums!! Appreciate some help :)

17-09-09, 13:46
Hi all,

You'll have to excuse me if it seems i dont know what im doing as i have never used a forum before (other than searcing the posts on this one, which has been a great help!!).
Thought I'd introduce myself, sorry if its a bit jittery as thats what im feeling right now!! Im 23 and for as long as i can remember i have been very self aware and nervous, sometimes i can fight it, most of the time i cant. For the last 4 years i've been in a very vicious circle where i get extremley anxious and deppressed, as a result usually of a social situation at work, and end up losing my job (from calling in sick) and making things worse spending a few months locked away!! Eventually i pluck up the courage to start over, things go well for a while and then as if out of nowhere I end up back to square 1!
As you may of gussed already im stuck in sqaure 1 again and really just want to talk to some people that I can maybe relate to.
Sorry if I've banged on a bit, to be honest thats not the complete story but its the basics!!! And i actually feel better already for writing this!!
Thank you to anyone thats read it and I would be more than grateful for a reply and some guidence on how to use forums!!
Much love, Sam xx

17-09-09, 15:09
hi my name is lindsey,you will be fine just keep calm and don,t feel pressured into giving away personal details,no one expects that anyway just talk about your problems thats what we are all here for

Veronica H
17-09-09, 15:13
:welcome: Sam. You will find comfort and support here.


17-09-09, 15:27
Thank you for your replies :) There is a reason I came on here, to ask a question about the medication im on, not sure where to post it though?

17-09-09, 15:31
Hi Sam,

A huge warm welcome to nmp,

check out the menu on the left hand side, if you go to the medication section there, you can ask the questions you need to.

best wishes

di xx

17-09-09, 15:32
Sorry sam,

i meant to say click on the forum button first on the left hand side, and then go down the list to medication.

di xx

17-09-09, 15:36
Sam I am also new to this forum and a lot older than you and I know exactly where you are coming from.

When I first became ill over 15 years ago I had a very important job and the stress of a promotion interview just pushed me over the edge and I have never worked outside of the home since (I am lucky enough to be able to earn a living writing but it took a while to come to that).

Even to this day I do not do social settings and a few years ago I decided change was called for and I moved abroad.. not an option for everyone I know.

But the thing is Sam, that no matter where you go or what you do you are the same person and the problem persists.

I am glad we have arrived here together because I feel for you as I am sure many others do because isolating yourself does not help, even tho I know every bone in your body is sceaming to be left alone and I visualise you wandering around your home wondering what you can do and deciding to just go and sleep because it is the only escape.

Dear Sam... take comfort that you are not alone and I am awake all night so I and many others I am sure will be hear to 'talk' if you need it.

Admin -I hope I am not to full on in my first posting and apologise if I am..xx

17-09-09, 15:50
Thank you diane, i found it :)

And thank you rosali, its really comforting to know someone out there knows what its like, although i wouldnt really want to feel other people are going through the same as me!!

I havent really got anyone i can talk to and i feel joining this site will help me greatly!! It realy means alot :) Altho i feel the need for a nap now, as you said sleep is the only escape :)

19-09-09, 13:38
Hi Sam
nice meeting you i am new to this forum trying to find my way around still:-)
I understand what you are going through, keep positive and think you are not alone-:)
Take care

19-09-09, 15:08
Hi Fran,

Nice to meet you too. I get lost trying to find my way round my own house sometimes.... let alone this forum!! :)

Hope to chat sometime soon.


19-09-09, 15:13
Hi all,

You'll have to excuse me if it seems i dont know what im doing as i have never used a forum before (other than searcing the posts on this one, which has been a great help!!).
Thought I'd introduce myself, sorry if its a bit jittery as thats what im feeling right now!! Im 23 and for as long as i can remember i have been very self aware and nervous, sometimes i can fight it, most of the time i cant. For the last 4 years i've been in a very vicious circle where i get extremley anxious and deppressed, as a result usually of a social situation at work, and end up losing my job (from calling in sick) and making things worse spending a few months locked away!! Eventually i pluck up the courage to start over, things go well for a while and then as if out of nowhere I end up back to square 1!
As you may of gussed already im stuck in sqaure 1 again and really just want to talk to some people that I can maybe relate to.
Sorry if I've banged on a bit, to be honest thats not the complete story but its the basics!!! And i actually feel better already for writing this!!
Thank you to anyone thats read it and I would be more than grateful for a reply and some guidence on how to use forums!!
Much love, Sam xx
Hi Sam

I have also joined today, so we are both in the same boat. I am off work with panic attacks at the moment, doctor signed me off for 3 weeks. I have also just changed my medication from citalopram to seroxat, which is not helping.

I also have been housebound for 2 weeks now, only occasionally popping down the shop, when I know it will be quiet and I dont have to queue up. I have found that getting family and friends to come over to mine helps, and also reading.

I do hope you feel better soon take care Beth x:welcome:

19-09-09, 17:27
Hi Sam

I have also joined today, so we are both in the same boat. I am off work with panic attacks at the moment, doctor signed me off for 3 weeks. I have also just changed my medication from citalopram to seroxat, which is not helping.

I also have been housebound for 2 weeks now, only occasionally popping down the shop, when I know it will be quiet and I dont have to queue up. I have found that getting family and friends to come over to mine helps, and also reading.

I do hope you feel better soon take care Beth x:welcome:
Hi Beth,

Thanks for the msg. Our stories are very much similer!! Which in a way saddens me as, like i've prob said before, I hate to think of other people in such desperate times as i have found myself in!!

But on a good note since I found this site I have drawn strength from other peoples advice and support, like yours!!

I'ts great to know you have a good family that can help you get through tough times.

I too find reading very therapeutic, although sometimes I can read the wrong things (especailly when it comes to medication) and get myself worked up and paranoid!!!

I hope your having a good day and would love to hear back from you.

Best Wishes, Sam :)

19-09-09, 17:42
hey everyone im new here!!! had a baby back in august 2008 ever since then i have been suffering form very bad anxiety attacks!! i cant even go out anymore im so scared something will happen to me ill die or something my balance goes when i go out i look drunk and get awful vertigo type sensation and headaches!!! im so sick of it!! my doctor sent me to a specilist cuz he thought i had vertigo!!! the specilist cudnt find anything wrong!!! im soooooooooo fustrated!!! help me plz!!!!!!!!!!
love tracey xxxxxxxxxxx

19-09-09, 19:24
hey everyone im new here!!! had a baby back in august 2008 ever since then i have been suffering form very bad anxiety attacks!! i cant even go out anymore im so scared something will happen to me ill die or something my balance goes when i go out i look drunk and get awful vertigo type sensation and headaches!!! im so sick of it!! my doctor sent me to a specilist cuz he thought i had vertigo!!! the specilist cudnt find anything wrong!!! im soooooooooo fustrated!!! help me plz!!!!!!!!!!
love tracey xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Tracey,

You've done the right thing joining this site. I've only been on hear 2 days and It's done small yet significant wonders for me!!

Although our problems orginate from different causes we are both afflicted with the same pain and hard to understand fear!!

I do hope you can, as i have, find a little strength from the many other good people that grace this site!! (sorry if that sounds a tad godly!!)

Take care :)

Tangerine Man
19-09-09, 21:54
Hi Sam,

Welcome, there is usually someone on line especially in the dead of night when our worries get out of proportion and you do not want to wake a loved one to share it with them again. We are only a few clicks away.
