View Full Version : Hello to you all.

17-09-09, 15:21
Here I am a newbie to your forum but far from a newbie to the world of ssri's

I have taken many over the years.. I am bi polar and I have tried to withdraw many time.

Well now I have had enough. Really enough and I am on day six of Seroxat withdrawal, cold turkey.

I know you will all throw your arms in the air in horror but I feel left with no alternative anymore.

Should withdrawal syptoms become unbearable I do have a small prescription of Sertraline - which so far I know nothing about - here, but I am really going all out and have joined you all for support and info regarding healthy eating etc.

The main problem in my case is that I am a UK citizen living in Turkey and therefore cannot call upon medical support, doctor etc.

There isn't much I don't know about life with Seroxat - 15/16 years worth and would hope to be able to give help back.

Just now, although I know it is early days, I am not too bad, although I have had a tendancy to cry for no reason and the head shocks are just setting in... I have experienced them all before so I know what to expect.

The first real symptom was inability to sleep and when I did, sleeping as if dead for hours and having really vivid dreams that would have done Steven Spielberg proud in movie land - all this I have had before.

So sorry to waffle but I do look forward to knowing you all and sharing your stories. So much to read here I can see no work being done for a while...

Kind regards to you all.


17-09-09, 15:26
Hi Rosie,

A huge warm welcome to nmp,

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Check out the menu on the left were you will find lots of helpful information, and keep posting on the forum and we'll help you all we can.

best wishes

di xx