View Full Version : V bad day!! HELLLLP!

17-09-09, 16:16
Freaking out today. Have a slight cough which today started to evolve and now feels like i have slight pressure on my chest. If I take a deep breath i can hear rattling...! Lung cancer - must be!! Now i have a headache probably through stressing!! The lump in my throat now feels the size of an elephant and I swear my heart is skipping beats and v light headed....help me!!


17-09-09, 16:24
Hi Lauren

You are right about your headache that is through stressing. You need to calm down a litttle and i know that is easier said than done but just try to relax with some slow deep breathing. Have you seen the Dr about your cough? Do you suffer from HA?


17-09-09, 16:27
Hi my throat is so sore today and i feel like a lump to and i understand the rattling,i have it but i can breathe through my nose ok?can you?this is what i ask myself.Sounds like your upset and panicky go see the doctor heil put your mind at rest.x

17-09-09, 16:34
I can breathe fine - but feels like I shouldnt be! The lump feels massive. I am a HA sufferer but only until recently. Lung/throat cancer are my biggest fears and it was the rattling and tight chest that knocked me for six. And breathe....

Saw my doc about the lump in my throat but he just pordded it and said its anxiety.

I am a smoker - but I need them to prevent me from going completely insane. If i cant smoke I will drink stupid amounts. Vicious circle!!

I sound like a whinger - sorry!

17-09-09, 16:35
Hey just to say that on the left of the screen in amosgst anxiety symtoms is s thing about anxiety making the brionchioles or somthing that you breathe through to get the air in and out of your lungs narrow , so that it feel as though your breathing is laboured. Might just be this causing your feeling. I know I had it the othe rday and freaked out becuase i though that i had some horrible hiv induced lung conditionn- it got worse them more i worried . Its gone now becuae today im worrying about my dry mouth instead!!


17-09-09, 16:44
The more I read the worse it gets - times I wish I was iliterate lol! I get dry mouth too but only when I take paracetemol??

Tomorrow is a new day and a new type of cancer...honestly - you'd think the amount of times we experience the attacks we'd learn that we're ok!!

17-09-09, 16:46
dont panic :::::is easy to say but its hard ,,why dont you buy some good cough med see if it helps..i was anxiety free for 2 weeks i was so happy ,,but at weekend contacted food bug my tum was off ,,saw the doc he was no help..once you have axiety they dont seem interested,,like everything we suffer is all in our head.not fare,, anyway today axciety sky high feeling light headed all the symtoms i thought had gone ,,so i know how you feel ,,i hope it calms down for you ,,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

anxious elephant999
17-09-09, 18:19
I know what you mean gypsywoman about the docs when you have anxiety ,my doc tells me to have a handful of reisins and go for a brisk walk , i have explained that due to the anxiety i am now agrophobic but she still tells me to go for a long walk (honestly sometimes its like banging your head against a brick wall ) i think if i went to the docs with a broken leg or toe for example im sure they would still say its anxiety