View Full Version : What is with this pulsing! And headaches!

17-09-09, 17:57
Hey all my blood test came back yesturday so i went to my doctors to see them. She said my blood test came back perfect and my thyroid is perfect!

She checked my blood pressure which again was perfect!

Like i told her last week i mentioned my head face eye pressure and i told her when i bent over the pressure in my face was massive and it was hard to breath through my nose.

She has now got me on a nose spray with decongestion tablets . Do you all think that the head pressure temple pressure eye pressure and upper jaw pressure is sinus related? or is it my muscles tensing?

Another thing that is really annoying me and does not seem to go away ! is my body is pulsing all the time! i mean hard pulses . As i mention before my neck and stomach visably pulsate to my heart and i feel pulses in my feet, fingers and head! anywhere i touch i get a pulse mst of the time!

It wasnt that bad for a few days but has come back again and seems to be always there!

As you all may know in the past two months i have been to a and e 4 times with an out of hours doctor and the past couple of weeks my gp. 2 weeks ago the last time i was in a and e i told the doc about my stomach pulsating and he felt my stomach and listiend to it with his scope for a few minutes and he said it sounded great and it was anxiety .

Last week i went to see my gp and told her about my headaches and and pulsating she felt my head checked my ears and eyes and took my BP and check and felt my stomach again and my heart and listeined with the scope she said it was all great and thats when i got a lot of blood taken for a test! lol

so here i am a week later lol and i still feel pretty much the same with times or relief from the sensations but most of the time they remain there.

I should feel happy and relived that my health is good in the past two months i have been seen by :

4-5 a and e doctors
1 out of hours doctor
2 diff gps with 3 visits
a dentist
an opticion (20/20 vision! lol)
had 5 blood tests
serveral BP tests
server checks on my heart and stomach

Every test and check turns out to be fine .

I am trying my best to relax and foget about the symptoms but its near impossible when they are there all the time and even when your not thinking abou them and your mind is off it a slight pain or sensation and away you go again!

The only way i can descibe the situation is it feels like my body is always in a state of panic! how can i put it like an uncauncious state of worry and panic?

Anywho i ramble too much lol i got my nasal spray and tablets so lets see if this works i think it will because i have always though my sinus were abit funny.

Anyone got anytips for the pulsing? any methinds of relaxation? thanks all! :yahoo:

17-09-09, 19:38
haven't really got any tips other than to try doing things you really enjoy doing.

You are however almost the same as me -

Been to a & e twice
Had 6 blood tests
Seen 3 different gps 8 times in total
Had bloodpressure taken several times, had the pressure in my head when i bent over, my body seems to pulse, the stomach pulse is normal i've been told and i have it all the time.

After about 3 months of constant worry and anxiety today has been my best day yet, haven't worried at all so hang in there, you know your ok so relax your healthy!

17-09-09, 19:47
The pressure and pulsing in your head sound very much like sinus trouble. Hopefully they will clear up with the spray.

Being aware of your pulse throughout your body definitely sounds like anxiety. I remember an awful time when I was pregnant with my daughter who's now 2. I was fast asleep and I was woken by a fluttering in my stomach. I could actually feel it with my fingers and was convinced that the baby had tachycardia (sp) lol. Because I'd had it and it felt the same. It was probably a nerve twitching weirdly, but I've also had the feeling of being able to feel my pulse everywhere. It's so hard to describe to people, isn't it? :hugs:

Love, Hazel. xxx

17-09-09, 20:38
you got that right hazel . Must be hightend sense of awarness due to anxiety :hugs: