View Full Version : Does anyone else get this? Really worried (heart)

17-09-09, 19:39
Hello Everyone. :hugs:
I've been reading this forum for a few weeks and it has helped me greatly to know that I'm not alone in my worries about my heart.

I'm 35 years old and my HA started five years ago with ectopics. I have now (just about) convinced myself they're harmless, but worrying about them over the years has made other anxiety symptoms manifest themselves. I've had hot flashes overtake me accompanied by a feeling I was about to die, I've had trouble sleeping; waking many times with my heart racing, and just recently I've had really scary dizzy spells which only last a few seconds, but are very intense:weep:

Anyway, of all the symptoms I get, one terrifies me more than any other and I haven't seen it discussed on here. Although I've had checks (a couple of years ago) including ECG's 24 hour monitor and cholesterol which were all fine (apart from the ectopics) I just cannot believe that there isn't something wrong :doh: What happens is that I get a pain (feels like it's in my heart) and at the same time I get a massive shot of adrenaline radiating from that exact area. It's really really hard to explain, but it's a horrible 'dread' feeling and scares the heck out of me. It's not a bad pain, it's quite mild really, but it's the release of adrenaline at the same time that scares me. Like I say, it seems to eminate from my heart and happens simultaneously. It really knocks me for six:weep: :weep: :weep: I am shaking as I type this. Grrr! I hate that it gets the better of me. It's not that I think I'm having a heart attack, it's just I 'm convinced there's something wrong with my heart that will cause me to have one soon.

If I think about it logically there is no reason why I would. I'm young(ish) my cholesterol was great, my BP is completely normal, my mother and grandmother are fine. So why can't I stop worrying??? :blush:

I would really appreciate some reassurance on this matter and to know that maybe someone else has these weird pains/feelings.

Thanks guys. Hazel. xxx

17-09-09, 19:56
Hiya Hazel
I totally understand how you feel, i also get ectopics & the fear of the heart on occasions stemming from the ectopics i first experienced after a bout of stress.
When you have them its very hard to think of anything else & thus it makes them worse yeah?

I am not sure what advice to give you as im yet to discover how to deal with them myself, i just wanted to tell you your not alone & i feel for you.

Nic xx

17-09-09, 19:58
I know exactly what you mean
I get the ectopics and have gotten used to them now, but now and again i get the "flutter" in the centre of my chest and i can feel a big wave of fear and dread spread out from that exact spot (or at least it seems like it)

sarah jayne
17-09-09, 20:06
Hi, i know how you feel,for the last few years ive been convinced that theres something wrong with my heart. Its only recently that im not worrying as much. I get random pains in my chest, that is what started my fear off. ive been to a&e many times and each time they have done an ecg and ive been fine. I also get palptations, i get them at weird times like when im in bed trying to get to sleep. One doctor told me that its completely normal to get these pains and that he got them too, i wasnt convinced though.
The way you describe your chest pain and the shot of adreniline is exactly how my panic attacks start ! x

17-09-09, 20:09
Thank you so much, you lovely people. HA is just soooooo horrible, isn't it?:mad:

17-09-09, 20:12
Yes, I get ectopics too, but not as much as before. I really feel that it helps if you just carry on with what you are doing and distract yourself and they don't happen as much. I do feel now that I've had these symptoms I'll probably always have them when I feel stressed and tired. In a way this has sort of helped me to accept them to an extent as I'm still alive and kickin!