View Full Version : Goodbye 2009

17-09-09, 19:42
I have had possibly the worst year of my life, i thought i met the man of my dreams & then accidentally got pregnant 3 months later resulting in termination, he then cheated on me. I became very anemic & thus poorly from this suffering depression, i was truly heartbroken.
This was 6months ago & after struggling the last 6months with anxiety & heartbreak i met a guy in May (who had a GF) yes i know im a fool but for a while he took the pain away & made me feel better, feel wanted. 4months on i have had to end it as i couldn't cope he wasn't mine any longer & i began liking him too much, despite him leaving her 2 weeks ago he isn't ready for anything serious...I'm glad in a way as it would never work as he is a cheat & i would never trust him- its been a week & i miss him so much.

Since the middle of Aug i have got tonsillitis 3 times & have had 2 courses of penicillin & have a doctors appointment tomorrow to get some more as its flared up again today, just 7 days after the last course.

To top this all off the job i have just beat 45 applicants to has been taken off me as back in Feb i was off work for 3 weeks having had termination & infection & they are worried about my sickness. Bearing in mind i have not been off sick in 6months plus & work full time.... I have been going to work with tonsillitis & battling through, yet cause thats still in my records from February it goes against me....Apparently i need a clear 2 year history of no sickness- WHAT A PILE OFF BULLs**t!!!!!!
I worked my ass off for this job & it was all i wanted.

I have just turned 27 & was looking at this as a new direction having left my past behind!!
I'm feel really low, im sad, lonely & have no want to do anything anymore & wonder what else is gonna kick me in the teeth?

Nic xx

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17-09-09, 19:50
Blimy Nic you have had it tough

Dont know how you have come through that makes my panic atacks and anxiety seem pretty small
You must be strong to deal with all that
Well done and best wishes

17-09-09, 19:55

I can't believe thay have taken that job from you. That is rediculous. :mad:
Even nurses are allowed to be ill ffsk. Grr

I know you have had a really rough year mate and this news will have just floored you. I am so sorry this has happened to you.


Here for you mate
Love Lisa

18-09-09, 17:41
Thats awful Nic, I cant see how they can do that. Can you appeal?

Mel. x