View Full Version : Hello

17-09-09, 21:01
Hey everyone, I have suffered from General Anxiety Disorder for a long time now. I used to be very very shy when I was young and during secondary school the shyness sort of evolved into anxiety and has been slowly getting worse ever since. I started therapy a month ago and I feel like I am very slowly getting better although it feels that sometimes I go forwards and then back again in progress. I'm glad I have joined this site and look forward to getting help and helping others to get over anxiety.

Veronica H
17-09-09, 21:09
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found us.


17-09-09, 22:07
Welcome to the site - it's a life-saver!!!!!!

18-09-09, 15:34
Hi there,

Like you I was also very shy at school. I was always a worrier as well and I believe I was born anxious!! You will feel as though you are going one step forwards and then backwards because anxiety is like that! If you feel good one day you expect to feel the exact same the next day and when you don't you think "oh no, back to square one". But as time goes on you will be less anxious and realise that everyone has good and bad days and no-one feels great all the time. You say that therapy has started helping you and that is great. I hope you are now on the road to feeling better and I wish you well. Any worries just post them and you'll get really helpful and supportive replies. There's always someone on this site that's ready to make you feel better and who has felt the way you do.

18-09-09, 15:46
A huge warm welcome to nmp

you'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

best wishes

di xx